DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-3-69-75
Additive mathematical model of materials aeration classification in separators [In Russian, in English] pdf
V. Ya. Potapov, V. N. Makarov, N. V. Makarov, E. E. Franyuk
The article is devoted to confirmation of a mechanism of aeration classification in drum-shelf friction separators of materials, the components of which are distinguished by a wide range of “sailage” in order to increase the separators efficiency and the quality of finished products in technology of components separation of ore and non-ore materials. Using aerodynamics of bodies of arbitrary shape in a directed air flow, a mathematical model is obtained of aeration classification of particles of material components, depending on their physical properties, unified by an integral criterion of “sailage”, and controlled airflow parameters with separate accounting of influence of particles velocity and flow. Equations are obtained for calculation of geometric parameters of a unit of aeration classification friction drum – shelf separator depending on integral criterion of “sailage” determined by shape, size, density of initial raw material and air viscosity providing for maximum quality of stratification of the feedstock and, as a result, increasing the production efficiency and the quality of the separated material. The efficiency of aeration classification with the use of a controlled air flow is confirmed, as well as sufficient convergence of experimental and calculated data. The additive mathematical model has confirmed the high efficiency of application of aeration classification in drum-type friction separators to improve the quality of stratification with reference to initial raw materials, components of which differ in a wide range of “sailage”.
Keywords: speed of being in the air; “sailage”; physical characteristics; frictional separator; aerodynamic effect.
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