
ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)



Issue 4(76), 2024

Publisher and founder: Ural State Mining University

The journal was set up in 1920.

Editor-in-chief - Nikolay Kosarev, Dr, Prof.

The range of subjects highlighted in the journal includes issues on the study, evaluation and commercial exploitation of mineral resources of the Ural region and cross-border regions. The topics concern questions of geology, exploration surveys, geophysical measurements, mining, mechanical engineering for mining and the environmental economics. The journal is published 4 times a year (March, June, September and December).

The papers for publication are accepted both in English and in Russian.

The publication of manuscripts is free of charge.

We publish articles covering the following sections and study fields of research workers:



General and regional geology

Paleontology and stratigraphy

Geotectonics and geodynamics

Petrology, volcanology

Mineralogy, Crystallography



Engineering geology, permafrost studies and science of soil improvement

Geochemistry, geochemical methods of mineral exploration

Geophysics, geophysical methods of mineral exploration

Geology, exploration activity of solid commercial minerals, minerageny

Geology, exploration activity of oil and gas oilfields

Technology and equipment for geological exploration

Applied mining geology and petroleum field geology, geophysics, mine surveying and minerals geometry

Geomechanics, rock destruction, mining aerogasdynamics and thermophysics

Geotechnology (undersurface, open and structural)

Hydrology of land, water resources, hydrochemistry


Environmental geology (branch-wise)


Road construction equipment and handling machinery

Mining machinery


Environmental economics and management


The Journal has been included by the Highest Attestation Commission in the List of the peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which main scientific results of theses for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences in Earth Sciences, Engineering Sciences and Economics should be published.

Information about the Journal is published annually in the international reference system for periodical and continuing editions of Ulrich's Periodicals Directory. The Journal is indexed in Georef and DOAJ. You can read articles from our Journal collection on the portals eLIBRARY.ruscholar.google.com and cyberleninka.ru. The Journal is included in the Abstract Journal and the VINITI database. The journal is available on the Lan' online library system.

Subscription available in the offices of “Russian Post”. Our index in the all-Russian Catalogue of “Rospechat'” “Gazety. Zhurnaly” is 25145. 


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