Issue 2(42), 2016

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


Issue 2(42), 2016


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Gryaznov O. N. Fluid-hydrothermal ore forming processes as a factor of engineering and geological conditions of Ural ore territories (pp. 7-12) pdf (In Russian)

Slobodchikova E. E. Stratigraphy and lithology of the Cretaceous-Paleogene sea sands of Transurals (pp. 13-18) pdf (In Russian)

Barmin A. N., Fedorova N. F., Bystrova I. V. Suprasalt complex of the south-western part of the Caspian Depression - a promising object of hydrocarbons prospecting (pp. 19-24) pdf (In Russian)

Gurbanov V. Sh., Narimanov N. R., Sultanov L. A., Babaev M. S. Geological structure and reservoir properties of meso-cenozoic deposits of Dzharly-Saatli oil and gas regions at great depths (pp. 25-27) pdf (In Russian)

Shirinkin O. Yu., Elokhin V. A. Physical and mechanical properties of technogenic soils on the territory of electrolysis and alumina production (pp. 28-31) pdf (In Russian)

Chervyatsova O. Ya., Potapov S. S., Sadykov S. A. Sulfur isotopic composition of sulfur deposits in Ural karst caves (pp. 32-46) pdf (In English)

Zhabko A. V. Theory of calculation of the stability of slopes and bases. Calculation of anisotropic, heterogeneous and undermined slopes (pp. 42-46) pdf (In Russian)



Sokolov I. V., Antipin Yu. G., Nikitin I. V., Baranovskiy K. V., Rozhkov A. A. Survey on underground geotechnology during transition to the development of deep reserves of inclined copper pyrite deposits (pp. 47-53) pdf (In Russian)

Afandiyeva Z. J., Osmanov M. B. Selection of optimal development systems for “Gosha” gold deposit in the Republic of Azerbaijan (pp. 54-58) pdf (In English)

Shchekleina I. L., Ugol'nikov A. V. On the theory of calculating of radial active magnetic bearings (pp. 59-62) pdf (In Russian)

Makarov N. V., Makarov V. N., Soldatenko A. A., Lavrenov N. E. Mathematical model of energy regulator of radial fan (pp. 63-65) pdf (In Russian)

Kilin G. A., Ziyatdinov I. R., Kavalerov B. V. Usage of neural network model for configuring of automatic gas turbine power regulators (pp. 66-69) pdf (In Russian)

Anokhin P. M., Afanas'ev A. I., Kazakov Yu. M., Potapov V. Ya. Operating process of shelving friction separator with curvilinear ramp of variable curvature (pp. 70-72) pdf (In Russian)



Abdulmanapov P. G. Disproportions in demographic development of mountain and lowland territories of the republic of Dagestan (pp. 73-77) pdf (In Russian)

Vlasova L. V., Kosolapov O. V., Morilov V. V. Improving of methodical toolkit on the calculation of the economic losses (pp. 78-81) pdf (In Russian)

Parmuzin P. N. Determination of economic effect in the projects of degassing of coal mines (pp. 82-85) pdf (In Russian)

Yurak V. V. The guidelines for economic valuation of ecosystem services in region (pp. 86-90) pdf (In English)



Filatov V. V. Geophysical studies in the Urals in 18th - early 20th sentury (pp. 91-93) pdf (In Russian)



Should Russian scientific journals publish articles of their authors in foreign languages? (pp. 94-96) pdf (In Russian)

Shorin A. G. The paper about Petr Petrovich fon Weimarn for the nRussian Wikipedia (pp. 97-100) pdf (In Russian)

P. P. fon Weimarn. Essays on the cultural energy (pp. 101-109) pdf (In Russian)

Ivanov K. S. Correct calculation of the duration of human life (pp. 110) pdf (In Russian)


Guman O. M. Reissue of actual textbook (pp. 111-112) pdf (In Russian)

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