History of the journal

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


History of the “News of the UrSMU”

When did the first issue of the journal come out?

It was in 1993, when the decision was made to release a new scientific journal for the Ural Mining Institute (that was the name of the modern Ural State Mining University at that time). This edition was announced by the Editorial Board to be a continuation of the “News of the Ural Mining Institute”, which had been published more than 70 years earlier. Therefore, the issue which came out in1993 was #2 (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1. Journal cover, 1993. This issue had a number 2


While leaving out the legitimacy of such continuity (we will discuss this issue separately), there is a need to trace the history of the first issue of the magazine, as this is thoroughly confusing.

In 1993, the Editorial Board, which has published the no. 2 and all of the following issues of the Journal, wrote in the introductory article about the first issue (Fig. 2): “In connection with the Civil War and partial evacuation of the University headed by the rector Professor P. P. von Weimarn the first and only issue of the magazine under his editorship was published in Vladivostok in 1918” [1]. This statement was inaccurate, as Professor P. P. von Weimarn had spent the whole year 1918 in Ekaterinburg. He was doing his duties on the Institute management, he had only moved to Vladivostok in 1919. There he released the magazine in 1920 only. It was dedicated to the results of the academic year of 1918 – 1919.


Fig. 2. The Preface to no. 2 of the journal “News of the Ural Mining Institute”, 1993, stating that this edition was “resumed”. Here is an inaccuracy that the first issue was published in 1918


In order to prove this statement, and also explain why an inaccuracy occurred in 1993, we will have to make a digression into the history of the Mining Institute, which is closely related to the most tragic moments in the history of the whole country: two wars, the First World War the Civil war and the revolution.

Let us start with the fact that in 1914, when the State Duma, and then the Emperor Nicholas II, after years of the confrontation between Ekaterinburg and Perm finally approved the project of the mining Institute in Ekaterinburg. It was called Ekaterinburg mining Institute then. Each of these cities wanted to have the first University of the Urals. 1914 was the year of the outbreak of war, which then became known as the Great War, nowadays called the World War I. However we can say that the Institute was somehow lucky. Nicholas II had approved the opening of the Institute in early August, 1914, still before Russia’s entry into the war. If this had not happened the opening and all the rest could have been postponed until the end of 1914… Nevertheless it was difficult to think of a more challenging time for the new University foundation. With the Russia’s entry into the war all civilian projects began to freeze. It was not just launching a new Institute in Ekaterinburg: a new building was being built and the teaching staff was being recruited, too. Therefore, Peter von Weimarn, Professor from the Moscow Mining Institute, who was invited to create the University in Ekaterinburg, was not just a rector. He was also head of a construction commission responsible for the erection of a building of the future Institute. He was also supposed to struggle to start the Institute with great difficulties. In 1917, the Institute had not yet started classes. However it again got into a “historical collision” – at the end of January it adopted a new title: “The Ural Mining Institute of the Emperor Nicholas II”. It was considered that if the Institute bore the name of the current Emperor, this would help the formation of the Institute in the difficult times of war. It turned out quite to the contrary: in 35 days Nicholas II abdicated and became “Mister Romanov”... Well, the University, which had already been called The Ural Mining Institute started the first academic year two weeks before the coup in Petrograd. It was then called the great October Socialist revolution and retained this name for almost 70 years. Indeed, that was not a good time for the start of classes in a new higher school.

Now let us turn to the history of the journal. Weimarn attached great importance to “The News of the Ural University”, as this was the first University journal in the Urals. Its release was scheduled by resolution of the Board of the Ural Mining Institute as of September 12th, 1917 (the date is given in old style), i.e. almost a month before the start of classes (Fig. 3). In November of the same year at the meeting of the Institute’s Council the editor, the Editorial Board, the structure and content of the issue have already been approved. Apparently, the articles were also ready, because the rector had suggested publishing this number by the end of December 1917 already. He had also proposed “a much larger circulation than of the next ones”, because it “will have to go not only for higher education institutions and scientific institutions of Russia, but also abroad” [1].


Fig. 3. Page with the output of the journal “News of the Ural Mining Institute”, published under the editorship of P. P. von Weimarn in 1920 in Vladivostok


These plans went awry because of the same historical conflicts that had haunted the Institute since its inception. In December 1917 a new government had already been established in Ekaterinburg, and the Institute had to reckon with it. It is known that Weimarn as the rector adopted a platform that “science and the higher school are outside of politics” [2]. However, there was a necessity to cooperate with numerous “soviets”, which have seized power. The Mining Institute needed funding, not only for the organization of educational process (including the rent of buildings where the Institute was located) and teachers’ salaries. The money was also required to complete the construction of the Institute’s own campus building. Almost nothing was achieved, but Weimarn remained the head of the institution, irrespective of his “outside of politics” position.

The next year 1918 became even more dramatic for Ekaterinburg. First, in July, the city was occupied by troops of the Czechoslovak corps and the power of the Soviets was replaced by the Provisional government of the Ural. Then the power was bloodlessly transferred to the government of Kolchak who declared himself a Supreme ruler of Russia. The Civil War began throughout the country.

As in the case of interaction with “the Soviet power” Weimarn on behalf of the Institute has established relations with the Ural Federal government and the government of Kolchak. Despite the difficulties, the academic year 1918 – 1919 took place. However, the journal “News of the Ural Institute”, which was planned for the December 1917, has not been printed.

At the end of this academic year, in the summer of 1919, the situation has changed again. The Red Army pressed the Kolchak army to the East, and by early July it became clear that Ekaterinburg would not hold out. The authorities decided to evacuate institutions, including the Ural Mining Institute. The latter was offered to evacuate to Vladivostok to form the Mining Department of the local Polytechnic school. This evacuation was certainly considered as a temporary measure. In this situation, Weimarn who recently declared “the higher school” to be “out of politics” decided to toe the line and to evacuate. There were several reasons for this: first, Weimarn had already established good contact with the government of Kolchak. At the time of the seizure of Ekaterinburg, he even was in Omsk which was called “the capital of new Russia”. Second, it has to be admitted that this government was more congenial to him than the Bolshevik administration; he did not get along with the latter. Finally, as this has already been mentioned, evacuation was considered to be a temporary venture. The Institute was thus evacuated… However, not all of it moved. Eventually, there arose a unique situation: in 1918 – 1920 there existed two Ural Mining Institutes. The first one was in Ekaterinburg; the second one was in Vladivostok. One was “red”, and another one was “white”. It is a debatable issue which one of them was “genuine”. This largely depended on how the historical situation might have changed. For example, if Kolchak had won and had taken Ekaterinburg again, the Institute would again have been able to return to Ekaterinburg and become one... In reality, in 1920 both the Ural mining Institute... ceased to exist as independent institutions. The Mining University in Vladivostok became part of the Vladivostok Polytechnic Institute. In Ekaterinburg it became part of the Ural State University. Still there was a difference: in both places, the miners tried to save themselves at least as a department, and this was successful. It was in Vladivostok, where with the advent of the Soviet government (in 1922) “the Ural core” collapsed, never to recover. In Ekaterinburg the Mining University became an independent University again. However, this only happened ten years later.

Let us now return to the history of the journal and consider the following events. It was in 1920, that the two journals with very similar names were issued in Vladivostok and in Ekaterinburg. They were totally independent from each other. The Vladivostok journal was called “News of the Ural Mining Institute”. In Ekaterinburg the name of the journal was “Proceedings of the Mining Institute”. Note that both of these journals came out in 1920.

In no. 2 of “News of the Ural Mining Institute” (1993) it was stated that “in connection with the civil war and partial evacuation of the University headed by the rector Professor P. P. von Weimarn the first and only issue of the magazine under his editorship was published in Vladivostok in 1918”. This means, that the Editorial Board of the publication considered the Vladivostok issue, and not the Ekaterinburg issue to be the first one. The only inaccuracy was that the specified year was 1918 and not 1920.

Here we pay tribute to the famous expert in the history of our University, Professor Vladimir Filatov. He was the first one to discover this inaccuracy in the date of the first publication of the journal. However, he saw this not in 1993 but only in 2001, when the cover of the magazine had the note “Volume 1 came out in 1918” (Fig. 4).


Fig. 4. In this issue of the journal the cover for the first time states: “Volume 1 came out in 1918”


It was only in 2004 when V. V. Filatov published his article in no. 19 of our journal as of 2004 under the name ‘On the journal “News of the Ural Mining Institute”’(Fig. 5). He explained the pause which lasted four years from detecting the error to reporting about it in a peculiar way: “I was tempted by an ox-eyed curiosity: who else, besides me, will notice this inaccuracy?”[3]. This article with a detailed explanation of the fact that the first issue of the magazine was published in 1920, and not in 1918, was placed in the journal. The remark “Issue 1 was released in 1918” was preserved in this and in subsequent issues. Another publication of V.V. Filatov about this this took place in the book dedicated to the history of the UrSMU – “So be it” (Ekaterinburg, 2014).There, a Chapter titled “IPSA SCIENTIA POTESTAS EST” (pp. 329–344) was entirely devoted to the first issue of “The News”.


Fig. 5. V. V. Filatov’s article “on the journal “News of the Ural Mining Institute”, where the author proved that the first issue of the journal had been published in 1920, and not in 1918


Now we need to answer the question: what was the reason for this inaccuracy in the dates? V. V. Filatov explains it by two reasons. First, at the end of 1917 the release of the first issue of “The News” was considered to be a solved matter (we have already mentioned this). Second, the fact that “... on the title page of “The News”, above the frame was printed the following. On the left there was an inscription «Том I» in Russian. On the right “Volume I” was written in English. In the middle there appeared a note “Academic year 1918 – 1919” (Fig. 6). The last note apparently, gave Professor O. N. Gryaznov (permanent Deputy Editor-in-chief of “The News” since 1993 - approx. ed.) grounds to consider 1918 the year of the publication of the first volume of “The News” – V. Filatov writes [3].

It appears to us that Professor Vladimir Filatov is only partly right in these explanations. It was not Professor O. N. Gryaznov, who made a mistake. Rather, it was the bibliographical Department of the Sverdlovsk regional library named after V. G. Belinsky. There, the first issue of the journal was marked as “News of the Ural mining Institute. Ekaterinburg, 1918”. The correct spelling should look like this: “News of the Ural Mining Institute.” Vladivostok, 1920”. So in all bibliographies, this magazine was included as the edition of 1918, not of 1920, and the error of the Deputy Chief Editor of the current “News” is understandable.


Figure 6. The inscription “Academic year 1918 – 1919” on the cover of the first issue (then they wrote the “first volume”) of the journal “News of the Ural Mining University”


The mistake made by the Belinsky Library, in turn, has a number of explanations and perhaps was even... made intentionally!

The compilers of the catalogue in the library indeed, as suggested by Filatov, could take “Academic year 1918 – 1919” as 1918. All the more so, let us explain Ekaterinburg as a place of the publishing house of the Vladivostok journal. In this journal we see “News of the Ural Mining Institute in Ekaterinburg” on the title page. Thus Weimarn wanted to emphasize the fact that this was a journal of the Ekaterinburg Institute. In fact it was such in the 1918 – 1919 academic year, and Weimarn wanted to keep it in Vladivostok before returning from evacuation. To understand that it has been issued in the printing of Vladivostok, one should read on the very last page: “Vladivostok. The publication of the Oriental Institute”. A year is not even specified there. It is clear that it was not before 1919, because there, on the last page, it is specified that the journal was published “on the decrees of the Council of the Ural Mining Institute from September 12th, 1917 and April 3rd, 1919” (Fig. 3). The last Council was also held in Ekaterinburg, but it was in April 1919. We only learn only from the memories of the rector that the journal was published in 1920. He wrote that he had planned to publish it in 1919; it came out in 1920 because of the difficulties encountered in the process of publication. Indeed, it is difficult for the directory compiler to see “Vladivostok” in small letters on the last page instead of “Ekaterinburg” indicated on the cover (Fig. 7). It is even more so to read the year 1920 in the text of the book, when on the same cover “1918 – 1919” is specified.

Figure 7.  On the cover of the Vladivostok publication Ekaterinburg is specified, but the year of publication not specified


It is also necessary to take into account the fact that 1918 was a special year. Due to the outbreak of the Civil War books in that year, were almost not published; however, they were published later. So, for example, famous “News of Geological Committee” for 1918 (volume 37) were issued number by number. For example, the separate books “no. 2”, “no. 5” and “no. 6” were not published in 1918, but they were issued later, in 1920[2]. That is, these were “The News of the Year 1918”, but they were released in 1920 only. In those years it was quite a common practice. It could well have been the “News of the Ural Mining Institute in Ekaterinburg” in 1918 published in 1920 in Vladivostok. In fact it turned out in almost this way: these were really “The News of the Ural mining Institute in Ekaterinburg”, not for 1918, but for the academic year1918 – 1919, released in Vladivostok in 1920.

Here we get to the question why “the error” of the bibliographer could have been intentional. The publication of the first volume of “The News” was kept in the library named after Belinsky in the section of the file called “Soviet edition.” 1918 in Ekaterinburg was the year when there was still Soviet power in the city. But the academic year 1918 – 1919 was exactly the time when the “white” Kolchak forces held sway in Ekaterinburg. Such literature had to be withdrawn to the special storage. The same thing was with the mention of Vladivostok in 1920. Until 1922 edition of the Vladivostok were kept in special storage. However, the journal could legally remain in storage in the “Soviet editions” file with a card “News of the Ural mining Institute. Ekaterinburg, 1918”. It is only a very meticulous researcher who will come to mind to change something in this.

Were there issues of the journal after the “volume # 1” until 1993?

In the Reference and bibliographic Department of the library named after Belinsky there is a record of no. 1 of the journal called “’News of the Ural mining Institute’. Ekaterinburg, 1918”. We have already figured out that in fact this journal was released in 1920 in Vladivostok. In addition to this, you can also find cards for several more issues of this journal. The card says: “News of the Ural Mining Institute” no. 1 – 2, 3, 5, and no.7. 1920”. It appears that in 1920 there were seven more issues of this magazine in Ekaterinburg, but one of them (# 6) was apparently lost, and it is not in the library. In fact, everything was completely different!

Let us take a closer look at these publications. It appears that this journal called “Proceedings of the Mining Institute” was also released in 1920, but not in Vladivostok, but Ekaterinburg. As I mentioned above, in 1918 the Ural Mining Institute began to exist independently in two cities – Ekaterinburg and Vladivostok. Each of these institutions has published its own journal “The News”.

The following questions arise: can this journal be considered the same and which of them is first? How many issues of this journal were there?

Undoubtedly, the impetus for the publication of these journals was the same: the resolution of the Council of the Ural Mining Institute of September 12, 1917, which decided to publish a journal called “News of the Ural Mining Institute”. Neither in 1917 nor in 1918, when the Institute was still one, was it impossible to publish the magazine. In 1920, each of the two “Ural Mining Institutes” published their own versions of the journal.

These journals are fundamentally different. V. V. Filatov in the above-mentioned article “On the journal ‘News of the Ural Mining Institute’” indicated that “’the News’, which were printed at the end of 1920 were mediocre in their content and design” in contrast to the “News” issued by Weimarn in Vladivostok. He meant that the journal published in Ekaterinburg was “mediocre”.

Indeed, the output of the Ekaterinburg version of the “News” was inferior to Vladivostok, but which one to consider first, if both of them came out in 1920? In this regard, the answer is unequivocal: the first magazine was published in Vladivostok, edited by Weimarn. All articles of the Ekaterinburg magazine were written by the authors in the period from June to September 1920, that is, two years after the division of the University. The Weimarn’s journal, which began to be gathered in 1917, contained articles written from 1917 to 1919.

So, can we consider this journal “the same”? Not either. The journal edited by Weimarn was, in fact, the same journal that was supposed to be published in Ekaterinburg. It was based on the results of the work of the team of scientists of the Ural mining Institute. Obviously, this was a delayed publication. The Ekaterinburg magazine also contained new articles written by the authors during the creation of the issue in 1920, so this was the journal of a Soviet university.

Finally, let us consider the number of issues of the journal. How many of them came out in Vladivostok and how many were published in Ekaterinburg?

Weimarn, who issued the first number in Vladivostok, planned to publish the second one, but he never carried out this intention. Why? Of course, the reason for this could be technical difficulties. However, I think, this was not the case. In 1920, he was elected rector of the Vladivostok Polytechnic Institute, of which the Ural Mining Institute was part. As a rector of the University, he could, at least to contribute to the output of the second issue if not to release it. He did this most likely because he understood that the Ural Mining Institute did not exist in Vladivostok. There was only a Mining Department there. The Ural higher education institution “dissolved” in the new Institute, it ceased to be independent, and two years later, in general, it ceased to exist.

Ekaterinburg. How many numbers of “News of the Mining Institute” came out here? The answer may seem paradoxical, but… no one! Of course, this needs to be clarified. In 1920, the Ural Mining Institute having lost its independence became a part of the newly established Ural State University. At first it was Mining Institute as a part of University (later it became a Mining Department). “News of the Mining Institute” in 1920 was little books (the so-called “individual prints”), each of which contained a separate article. In the header of the cover sheet of this “individual print” the top says “The Ural State University”, below there is an inscription “Proceedings of the Mining Institute”. Hereinafter the author and the title of the article are mentioned. Sometimes several of them were published at once; sometimes one was issued at a time. There were four books, but not seven in total, which contained six articles. Although there was no. 7, because the numbering was mixed: two different articles in two books have no. 3, the books no. and no. 6 do not exist. To avoid confusion, we indicate them article by article: no. 1, 2 and 3 (in one book). No. 3, 5 and 7, each one is in a separate book (Fig. 8-14).


Fig. 8–14. The articles as “individual prints” was published under the title “Proceedings of the Mining Institute” with a cap at the top of the “Ural State University”. They eventually came together under the title “News of the Ural state University” (vol. 1)


Why do we say that these are six articles, not just lost numbers, which are not in libraries? This was because in the same year the same six articles were published under one cover of the “News of the Ural State University” (vol. 1). V. V. Filatov wrote, “The publishers considered the “News of the UGI” to be the first volume of “The News of the Ural State University” [3]. This is not quite so, because at the time of printing the Mining Institute was indicated on the cover as part of the Ural State University (Fig. 7–12). The publication of the journal containing the same six articles under the cover of “The News of the Ural State University” (Fig. 13) says that this was the history of another journal called “News of the University”. The name was not “News of the Mining Institute”, although, this, no doubt, serves as a proof that the Ural University was created on the basis of the Ural Mining Institute.

Let us summarize. Both of the Ural Mining Institutes in Ekaterinburg and in Vladivostok were divided in 1918. In 1920 both of the divided higher education institutions have released the journals called “The News”. The journal, published in Vladivostok, was created on the basis of articles written during the existence of the University as a whole entity. Therefore this number should be considered the first issue of the journal called “News of the Ural Mining Institute”. The journal, published in Ekaterinburg, is already the first issue of the journal of the new University – the Ural State University, although it has the same roots. However it was created entirely on the basis of the articles prepared by the staff of the Mining Institute, which was part of this University.

Thus, the journal called “The News of the Ural Mining Institute” published by Weimarn in Vladivostok indeed can only be considered the only issue as this had been considered by the Editorial Board in 1993, which produced the second number.

Continuity of the resumed publication of the journal

73 years have passed after the release of the 1st issue of the journal called “News of the Ural Mining Institute”, before the no. 2 appeared. There are legitimate questions: how justified is the continuity of the journal issue, and whether it is correct to talk about the “renewal” of the publication?

The opinion of V. V. Filatov is categorical, “The founding fathers perceived “Proceedings of the UMI” as a prototype, not as a forerunner. Having started the edition of the journal in 1993, they were guided by their emotions and by their piety to the Alma mater; they were more of patriots, than of publishers. Therefore there is nothing taken from the “News of the UMI”, neither in the design nor in the structure. What continuity can we talk about?” [3].

Challenging this view, we can start with the fact that in his article Vladimir Filatov mistakenly called a journal published in 1993 “News of the UGGGA”. That was not so. Journal #2 had the same name as # 1 – “News of the Ural Mining Institute”. The only amendment was that in the first issue the old spelling («Ural’skago Gornago Instituta») was still used. However this was not only typical for the pre-revolutionary orthography, later such spelling was used by all who did not accept Soviet power. There are still Russian émigré newspapers that use such orthography. It was that short period – only a few years – when the University ceased to be called SGI and returned to its original name UGI. It was already in October 1993, when it became the UGGGA, and the journal accordingly became known as ”The News of the UGGGA”. In 2004 the institution was called The Ural Mining University, which led to the renaming of the journal, which got the name “News of the UGU”.

That is, at the time of issue of no. 2 in 1993 (and, by the way, also no. 3 and no. 4) the journal was called exactly as no. 1. These facts alone do not yet speak, of course, of continuity, but already explain the very idea of resuming the “ongoing publication”.

Another fact: the journal was conceived in a country called Russia and was released in the same country; the second issue of the magazine was released also in Russia, like the first one. It was not issued in the Soviet Union. New Russia at the time was actively looking for its roots in the pre-revolutionary, not only in the Soviet past.

This attitude to history is clearly seen in the following example. In the book called “50 years of the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute”, released in 1967 [2], the history of the journal “News of the Ural Mining Institute” is not mentioned at all. Only the issue of “News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal” was mentioned. It began to be produced at the Institute only in 1957 as if before that time the University did not have any scientific publications! In 1992 (i.e. already in Russia, not in the Soviet Union), the book “For the Benefit of the Fatherland” was written byV. Filatov, whose opinion we have quoted above. This book was published for the 75th anniversary of the Ural Mining Institute, and the error was corrected. The author recounts on the history of the foundation of “The News of the Ural Mining Institute”. He even cites the cover art images as an illustration. In this book Vladimir Filatov called the journal “News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal” the successor to the “News of the UMI”, albeit at a stretch. “The secret dream of the first rector came true only after forty years. In 1957, (...), the Mining Institute became the publisher of the “Mining Journal” series” [4].

What was the “dream of the first rector”, which Filatov wrote about?  When Weimarn was reasoning about the scientific journal of the Institute, he dreamed that it would become a “popular science” edition. An author was supposed to talk about science in an exciting and accessible language without distorting the essence of the scientific problem. By the way, this is still the intention. The first issue of “News of the Ural Mining Institute” contains mainly scientific, not popular scientific articles, as well as any other scientific journal, including “News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal”. The difference between the “News of the UMI” edited by Weimarn and a purely scientific journal is only in an attempt to publish reviews “on modern science and technology”. A section on the history of the University was also included. The magazine, which was resumed in 1993, also began to publish notes on the memorable dates of the history of the University. Later the full-fledged articles, including critical ones, such as an article by    V. V. Filatov about the history of the journal, which has already been mentioned, began to appear. In this sense, continuity was preserved.

Of course, in the renewed journal after 73 years, the editors were different. By the way, it was only Professor Modest Onisimovich Claire, who returned back to Ekaterinburg from the evacuation, which took place in 1918. Later, the students affectionately called him “grandpa Mo”. After returning in 1924, he was subjected to persecution and spent several years in camps before returning to full-fledged work [5]. However, the new edition not only preserved the name and historical section of the old magazine. It also remembered that even before “News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal” achievements of the Ural mining and geological school were covered in “proceedings of the conference” from 1936 to 1976. So “News of the UMI”, which had to engage in very difficult competition with the “Mining journal, from the beginning has managed to assert it. At last, “News of the UMI” resumed the tradition that the rector of the Institute should be the editor-in-chief of the journal. In 1993 it was Professor I. V. Dementyev, then Professor N. P. Kosarev.

Development of the journal, periodicity, number of issues.

The first issue of the magazine, which was published in 1920 under Weimarn, had four sections (Departments). The first one was “Theoretical and experimental study” (according to various scientific issues). The second one was “Short communications” – short scientific notes, subsequently requiring additional research. The third one was called “The Progress of science and technology (reviews, abstracts, bibliography)”. The fourth one was called “The Chronicle of academic life”. It was dedicated to the history of the Institute.

In 1993 the Editorial Board decided to publish the journal in series # 2 – three per year. The first journal of 1993 was published in the series” Geology and Geophysics”. They had plans of publishing a series of future journals “Mining” and “Mining electromechanics”. A small historical section of the journal was called “Memorable dates”. It also had a subsection “Losses of science”, where memories of the achievements and life of recently departed scientists were published.

The plan of the first (1993) year was fully implemented: no. 3 was released in the series called “Mining”. No. 4 was issued in the series called “Mining electromechanics”. However, in the future, this plan could not be maintained, and in subsequent years the journal was not always published regularly. However, the Editorial Board tried to maintain a sufficient level of quality of articles (see Archive editions).

From 2013 to the present time the journal has a periodicity of four issues per year. Modern division into sections is as follows: “Earth Sciences”, “Technical Sciences”, “Economic Sciences”, as well as the traditional section on the history of the University.

[1] News of the Ural Mining Institute. 1993. Volume 2, p. 7.

[2] News of the geological Committee. Volume 37, 1918. Petrograd: The First State Printing House, 1920.



  1. Filatov V. V. 2014, "Byt’ po semu!": ocherki istorii Uralskogo Gosudarstvennogo Gornogo universiteta (1914–2014). (1720–1920) [“So be it!” essays on the history of the Ural State Mining University (1914–2014). (1720-1920)], Ekaterinburg, 684 p.
  2. Bobyleva D. A., and others. 1967, 50 let Sverdlovskomu Gornomu Institutu [50 years of the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute]. Moscow.
  3. Filatov V. V. 2004, O zhurnale «Izvestiya Ural’skogo gornogo instituta» [On the journal “News of the Ural Mining Institute”]. Izv. UGGU [News of the Ural State Mining University], no. 19, pp. 214–217.
  4. Filatov V. V. 1992, «Otechestva pol’zy dlya…» (75 let Ural’skomu Gornomu Institutu. 1917–1992) [“For the Benefit of the Fatherland” (75 years of the Ural Mining Institute. 1917–1992)], Ekaterinburg, 408 p.
  5. Filatov V. V. 2004, Professora Ural’skogo Gosudarstvennogo Gornogo Universiteta: biograficheskiy spravochnik [Professors of the Ural State Mining University: biographical reference book], Ekaterinburg, 431 p.

Written by Alexander Shorin, the Editor

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