Sulphur in the geochemically conjugated landscapes of the Soimonovsky valley, Chelyabinsk region (Russia)

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)



M. V. Shabanov / News of the Ural State Mining University. 2021. Issue 1(61), pp. 118-126


Problem Statement. The paper presents the results of studying the features of lateral and radial differentiation, as well as the sulfur content in the landscape-geochemical catenes of the Soimonovskaya Valley. Soimonovskaya valley is located in the Chelyabinsk region of the Russian Federation. For more than 100 years a metallurgical plant for the production of copper has been operating here. The plant supplies to the environment gas and dust emissions that contain various pollutants, including sulfur dioxide. Sulfur oxide affects the soil and vegetation.
The objective of the study to assess the impact of emissions of the copper smelter on the content of sulfur in the landscapes of the Soiman valley and determine the patterns of migration and accumulation of sulfur.
Materials for the study were ecological and geochemical surveys carried out on the territory of the Soimonov valley and at different distances from the copper smelter. Soil and soil samples were taken in layers every 15-20 cm up to the parent rock. Physico-chemical parameters and sulfur content were determined in soils and grounds.
Results. Lithozems (Leptosols), dark humus soils, and soil-like formations (Urbic Technosols) are developed in the study area. Within a radius of 5 km, plant and soil cover is almost completely absent - technogenic landscapes. Soils are very acidic, gross sulfur content in 0-20 cm layer is more than 1000,0 mg/kg. In a radius of 5 - 10 km prevail natural landscapes, partially modified, the reaction of the environment from slightly acidic to neutral, the gross sulfur content in the layer 0 - 20 cm ranges from 190.0 to 900 mg / kg. Autonomous and subordinate landscapes were studied on the example of two catenas. It was found that in landscapes with an abundance of herbaceous vegetation radial differentiation prevails over lateral differentiation, in technogenic landscapes vice versa. Zones of sulfur accumulation
and dispersion in landscapes are revealed.

Keywords: landscape, radial differentiation, lateral differentiation, geochemical conjugation/



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