Issue 2, 1993

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


Issue 2, 1993

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Introduction (7-8)

Kozakov E. M, Pakhomov V. P., Ignatyeva M. N. Scientific Conception of Re-evaluation of Mineral Raw Material Base of Russian Federation (9-13)

Problems of Methodology and Methods of Investigations

Alekseyev V. P. Koshevoy V. N., Krivikhin S. V., Maksimov V. A., Rasulov A. Т., Refat S. М., Russkiy V. I. On Necessity of the Role Re-estimation of Genetic Iivestigations in Coal Geology (14-20)

Vyatkin V. B. On the Problem of Information Evaluation of Indications in Forecast-Geological Investigations (21-27)

Zoteyev V. G., Zoteyev О. V., Kostrov Т. K. Processing Methods of Fissuring Mass Measurements with Computers (28-34)

Sapozhnikov V. M. Computer Petrophysical Classification of Ore Containing Rocks on Well-Logging Diagrams (35-40)

Serkov V. A. Automatic System of Results Interpretation in Ore Petrophysics (41-45)

Oshkordin О. V. Complex Analysis of Complicated Geological Technical Conditions of Drilling (46-51)

General, Historical and Regional Geology

Bogoyavlenskaya О. V., Lobanov Ye. Yu. Stromatoporites and Heliolitoideas of the Urals Paleozoic Basin (52-62)

Gorozhankin V. T. Horizontal Earth’s Crust Movements and Local Forecasting of Mineral Deposits (63-67)

Dushin V. A. Paleovolcanic Forecasting Criteria of Late Reef and Early Paleozoic Endogenetic Mineralization of the Western Part of the Northern Urals (68-74)

Anfimov L. V. Reef Sedimentary-Rock Basin in the Southern Urals (75-85)

Slobodchikov Ye. A. Composition and Genesis of Tastysaisky Circular Structure (Yuzhny Mutodzhary) (86-91)

Keilman G. A., Lukin V. G. Diamonds in Gneiss Complex (92-94)

Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry

Ivanov О. K., Vilisov V. A. Phlogopite Ultramafites in Concentric Zonal Dunite-Pyroxenite Massifs of the Urals Platinum Belt (95-103)

Malakhov I. A., Savokhin I. V., Sycheva G. A. On Genesis of Platinum Mineralization in Zonal Massifs of the Platinum-Bearing Urals Belt (104-114)

Bushev A. G., Polenov Yu. A., Ayerov G. D. Formation Conditions of Endogenous Jade Deposits (115-123)

Geology, Forecasting, Search and Exploration of Mineral Deposits

Gryaznov 0. N. Metasomatism and Ore Formation (124-132)

Babenko V. V. Ore Megaregions and Non-Linear Character of Metallogeny in Mountains of the Polar Urals (133-140)

Barannikov A. G. «Native Source-Placer» System and Forecasting-Search Complex (141-146)

Petrukha L. M. Ore Columns of Copper Pvrite Deposits (147-152)

Knyazhin S. L. Discovery of Local Oil-Gas Perspective Objects in Modern Relief (Vychegodsky-Kamsky Region as an example) (153-162)

Exploration Geophysics

Redozubov A. A., Syskov S. S. Investigation of Anisotropy of Rocks in Ore Electrical Prospecting (163-170)

Kozyrin A. K., Mintsev A. I. Well-Logging of Ore Bore Holes with the Use of Drill Pipe String (171-179)

Bondarev V. I., Krylatkov S. М., Pushchina Zh. V. Engineering Seismic Prospecting and Seismic Acoustics (180-184)

Davydov A. V. Methods of Rocks and Ores Teasting on Gamma Emissions (185-188)

Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology

Abaturova I. V., Afanaciadi E. I., Gryaznov O. N., Guman О. М., Dubei-kovsky S. G., Novikov V. P., Palkin S. V., Parfenova L. P. Problems of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Geoecology in Exploration and Exploitation of Solid Mineral Deposits in the Urals (189-198)

Palkin S. V., Palkin S. S. A Contribution to the Exploration and Exploitation of Underground Waters Occurences in the Urals (199-203)

Tagiltsev S. N., Nikitina I. A. Influence of Rock Massifs Tension the Hydro-geological Properties of Tectonic Faults (204-207)

Memorial Dates

Professor Kozyrin A. К. (208)

To the 70th jubilee of V. A. Prokin (208-209)

Losses of Science

To the memory of D. S. Steinberg — a teacher and a scientist (210)


The Urals Geological Museum. The Urals School of Mines (211)

Abstracts (Russian) (212-217)

Abstracts (English) (218-223)

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