Determination and quality classification of rock mass of the Diatomite mine, Algeria

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)



A. Lamamra et al / News of the Ural State Mining University. 2021. Issue 1(61), pp. 17-24


Reserch relaevance. Most ground movements are generally due to rock instability, this natural phenomenon poses a risk to humanity. The properties of the rock mass directly influence the type of movement especially in underground structures.
Research aim. Our goal is to characterize and classify the rock mass of diatomite from the sig mine using geomechanical classification systems such as the RQD and RMR in order to determine the quality of the rocks in the sig mine Western Algeria from the determination of the physical and mechanical properties.
Methodology. In this article, the characterization analysis of the diatomite rock mass of the sig mine was carried out. First, determinations of the physical properties and carried out the triaxial test to determine the mechanical properties (young’s modulus, the friction angle, the dilatancy angle, the cohesion, the poisson’s ratio). Secondly to classify the deposit and give a recommendation to avoid stability problems.
Research results. The results from physical and mechanical analyzes, it can be said that the nature of the rock present in the diatomite (underground mine) does not have enough resistance.
Conclusion. Our study definitively proves that the rock mass of sig diatomite is of very low quality and it will be very dangerous for the underground mining work of the mine especially in places where the mineralized layer is very deep. And we suggest to replace the mining technique room and pillar currently used in the diatomite mine and put another mining method which includes roof support system to ensure the safety both of the miners and the equipment.

Keywords: Diatomite, RQD, RMR, triaxial test, physical and mechanical analysis.



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