Issue 13, 2001
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Panjak S. G. Laws of chemical components distribution in crystalline rocks (8-11)
Pocrovskij M. P. Classification of laboratory investigation methods of mineral (12-18)
Dushin V. A. Prepaleozoic magmatism. geodynamics and metallogeny of North Eurasia (19-27)
Philatov V.V., Cassin G.G. Tectonics and dynamics of the earth’s crust in the Middle Urals and attashed region (28-32)
Bogoyavlenscaya O. V., Kororova E. V. Stromatoporats as basis reef-builders in the Ural paleobasin (ordovic, silur) (33-38)
Bogoyavlenscaya O. V. To the low Mezozoic stromatoporats characteristics (39-53)
Russky V. I. About peat beds texture of Urals deposits (54-58)
Alekseev V. P., Pechinina E. B., Refat S. M., Nicoyan V. V. Stratum texture cycliciti of Ulughemsky cosl basin (59-61)
Volostnova N. V. About regularities in coal sediments of Dalnebulanashscoye deposit (62-65)
Malahov I. A., Savohin I. V., Burniaco P. L., Kuznetchov V. I. Metamorphism and metasomatism processes influence on chromspinelid composition in Ural ultramarites and chromites (66-73)
Malahov I. A., Alekseev A. V. Metamorphism processes influens on ore-forming chromspinelides on Halilovsky alpinotype massif (74-80)
Savohin I. V., Bunova N. V. Morphological peculiarities and mineral composition of platinum from dealluvial-proalluvial deposit within the bounds of Veresovoborsky piroxenite-dunite massif (81-85)
Busharina S. V. About abnormal composition of minerals associated with diamonds in Proterozoic and Paleozoic stratum of Krasnovishersky region in the North Ural (86-93)
Malugin A. A., Azovscova O. B., Kuznetchov V. N., Malugin V. A. Using of gold morphometric peculiarities in prospecting of ledge deposits (94-98)
Popova O. M. Petrology of Marunsky Mesozoic magmatic complex in the Polar Ural (99-103)
Gryaznov O. N. Metasomatic zoning of polygenic and polychronic deposits (104-108)
Kozmin V. S., Dushiv V. A., Malugin A. A. Gold mineralization in Mesozoe and Cainozoe in the Polar Ural (109-113)
Ugrumov A. N., Dvornic G. P., Balachonov V. S. Metasomatic zoning of Mesozoic polygenic and polychronic lllimachskiy copper-gold complex (Aldan sield) (114-121)
Rudnitsky V. F. Paleovolcanic structures of the Urals pyrites deposits (122-130)
Elochin V. A. Molybdenum-ore objects in regional structures of theUrals (131-135)
Panjac S. G., Makarov A. B., Strashnenko G. I. Geological texture and formation condition peculiarities of Novotroitscoye deposit of hight-clean quartz (136-139)
Kuznetchov A. C. Rhythmic-layered magnetite ores of Goroblagodatsky iron-ore deposit in the Middle Urals (140-141)
Rapoport M. S., Vachmyanina A. V. Gold-generating granitoids of the Middle Urals (some geological, compositional and ore-bearing peculiarities) (142-152)
Barannicov A. G., Batalin A. S., Ugrumov A. N., Dvornic G. P., Colbasin D. I. About perspective of industrial remastering of hyper genesis zone of Berezovscy gold-ore deposit (153-163)
Buzmacov V. N. Endogenous zoneing and forecast-prospecting complex of Chauvaiscoye antimony-mercurial gold-bearing ore-field (South Fergana) (164-169)
Panov Ju. К. Methodologicae audit of testing of ore bodies at the mine of Gaisky pyrote deposit (170-176)
Frolov S. G. Method of problem solving of directed borehole drilling process projecting (177-180)
Kovaltchuk D. A., Oshcordin O. V. Batrac A. F. About classification principals of coal deposits according to their core-testing complexity (181-185)
Cassin G. G., Philatov V. V. About geodinamic zoning problem of Vcrchnecamscoye potassium and potassium-magnium salt deposit (186-190)
Bondarev B. I., Krilatkov S. M. Theory of reflected hodograhhphs in the method of multiple overlappings (191-195)
Sapoznikov V. M., Mishedchenko I. V. Express size evaluation of objects with highter polarizabiliti coming out to the original ground (196-197)
Mishedchenko I. V. About evaluation possibilitiy of geometric parameters of objects by means of research of their polarization caused by current (198-201)
Elohina S. N., Sokolov I. V. Surface and underground waters monitoring in the system of ecological monitoring of the Middle Urals enterprises (202-207)
Parphenova L. P. Prognosis of underground waters pollution in the regions by slime tanks of the Middle Urals copper smelteries (208-211)
Tagilcev S. N. Concepts development about zone structure and genesis of near-surface fracturing in rock massif (212-217)
Tagilcev S. N., Zoteev O. V., Kibanova T. N. Relief influense evaluation upon hydrogeomechanic parameters of rock massif by means of mathematic simulation (218-222)
Guman O. M., Petrova L. G., Lapin C. E. Ecological monitoring peculiarities near coal mines (as an example, Chelyabinsk coal field, Kopeisky region, “Centralnaya” mine) (223-227)
Guman O. M., Dolinina I. A. About using of geological similarity theory in forecasting of underground waters pollution at solid domestic and factory waste poligons (228-231)
Abaturova I. V., Petrova I. G. Ecological and geological situation of mountains part of the Polar Urals (232-236)
Semyachkov A. I. Normalization of metal 1-bearing influens upon soils (237-240)
Abaturova I. V., Afanasiady E. I., Tarasevich A. V. Engeneering-geological zoning experience of construction territory of Voronzovsky mining-processing enterprise with the purpose of efficient (241-246)
50 years ago was found geophisics department USGMA (247-248)
Nasedkin A. P. is 80 (249)
G. S. Vozgenikov, professor is 70 (250-251)
I. A. Malakhov, professor is 70 (252-253)
First textbook in “Physics of Earth” (254-255)
ABSTRACTS (256-268)