M. N. Poleshchuk / News of the Ural State Mining University. 2021. Issue 1(61), pp. 150-159
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Relevance is caused by the fact that the achievement of the required performance results is based on the mutual understanding
of the workers of a coal mining enterprise and the consistency of their interaction. It is advisable to carry out a socio-economic
valuation and mutual assessment of their activities to effectively change these components. For a correct assessment of the
activities of employees, it is necessary to determine the criteria and indicators that reflect its socio-economic characteristics and
the results achieved by employees.
Purpose of the paper is to present a methodological toolkit that allows employees of a coal mining enterprise to carry out a socioeconomic
valuation and mutual assessment of their activities, to develop measures for improving its efficiency.
Research methodology and methods. The socio-economic valuation of employees work activities is based on the following
provisions: 1) the results of the employee’s activities and the process of achieving them are assessed; 2) an employee himself
makes the assessment as well as other employees interacting with him (manager, colleagues, subordinates). When substantiating
the criteria and indicators, the methods of structural and functional analysis, scientific generalization and expert assessments
were used.
Results. A set of criteria and indicators have been substantiated reflecting the attitude of employees to activities, the process of
their activities and the results they achieve. A method of socio-economic valuation of activities is proposed, the application of
which allows identifying discrepancies in assessments, to achieve mutual understanding between interacting employees, their
managers and colleagues, to develop relationships that ensure the required results of interaction.
Conclusions. Socio-economic valuation of an employee’s work activities of a coal mining enterprise according to the proposed
methodology using a reasonable set of criteria and indicators allows you to form an agreed understanding of the requirements for
the activity and its results, to develop and implement effective measures to achieve the desired results
Keywords: indicators and criteria, methodology, activity, coal mining enterprise, employee, socio-economic valuation, mutual
understanding, relationships, interaction, results.
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