DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-3-60-64
Development of the testing procedure for units and elements of mining equipment pdf
P. B. Gerike
The author considers in detail the stages of creating a testing procedure for mining equipment based on the complex implementation of principles of nondestructive testing and technical diagnostics. The author substantiates effectiveness of application of a complex diagnostic approach for assessing the state of metal structures and energy-mechanical equipment of mining machines. The opportunity for timely detection of defects, regardless of their type and degree of danger, presents itself only with a wide application of the modern methods of vibration diagnostics and nondestructive testing. The author substantiates the effectiveness of specific combination of methods of nondestructive testing, most optimally suited for solving given tasks. The article contains the developed complex of more than 120 diagnostic rules, suitable for performing automated analysis of vibroacoustic signal and revealing the main damages of energy-mechanical equipment based on selective groups of informative frequencies. The author formulates the main criteria that one can use as a basic platform for improving the methodology for normalizing the parameters of mechanical oscillations. The developed diagnostic criteria became a basis for the development of individual spectral masks suitable for performing the analysis of parameters of vibroacoustic waves generated during operation of mining equipment. The author proves necessity of transition of repair and maintenance divisions of industrial enterprises to the system of maintenance of machinery according to its actual technical state, and the developed complex of diagnostic rules for detecting defects can serve as a platform for the implementation of basic elements of this system. The author substantiates the principal validity of the developed methodology for testing mining machines equipment and its individual elements, such as the predictive modeling of degradation of technical state of mining equipment and the improvement of normalization using spectral masks and unified diagnostic criteria. Implementation of the principles of the developed testing methodology will increase reliability of mining equipment and minimize the number of emergency failures of complex expensive equipment, which in the end will generally have a positive impact on the safety of mining operations.
Keywords: vibrodiagnostics; mining equipment; testing procedure; residual resource; normalization of mechanical vibration parameters.
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