DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-3-46-49
Well electrical prospecting of platelike minor intrusions in the ore fields pdf
V. M. Sapozhnikov, K. M. Ermolaev, D. B. Kovtun
During exploration and prospecting works, when using the method of a charge within the ore fields there is a problem of accounting influence of inhomogeneities of various genesis. In particular, it concerns the dike complex rocks. For immersed point source of current, authors have made the mathematical simulation of anomalous field caused by the presence of submerged half plane – insulator, and this simulation allowed to justify method of detecting steeply dipping bodies of small intrusions that frequently have ore-controlling value. Calculations show that for a successful separation of platelike anomaly-forming objects such as dikes, models of which can be half planes it is necessary to determine abnormal potential and its gradient. The latter is most convenient for interpretation, since it allows selecting objects confidently, even when there is a system of similar bodies. Practice confirms this condition, as demonstrated in the provided charts of the anomalous field and its gradient.
The experience of exploration of ore fields, especially in the areas of active rock crushing, shows that bodies of small intrusions are quite contrasting anomaly-forming objects and without correct interpretation of related field disturbances, the successful interpretation of these measurements is difficult.
Keywords: small intrusion; dike; half-plane; immersed power source; anomalous potential and its gradient.
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