DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-3-7-12
Geological structure, genesis and zoning of Novouchalinsk massive sulfide deposit (South Urals) pdf
P. I. Pirozhok
This article describes the history of discovery, exploration and subsequent geological study of one of the largest copper-zinc pyrite deposits of the Southern Urals – Novouchalinsk and determination of its position in the regional geologic structures. The authors described geological section of the deposit, including the strata and formation members of volcanogenic rocks of rhyolite-basalt subformations (Karamalytash formation D2ef-zv with horizons) of sulfide ores. The strata of the basalt-rhyolite subformation initially bedded subhorizontally underwent synfolded and rupturing deformations. Leading contemporary structure of the deposit, as well as ore field as a whole, is a compressed, meridionally elongated anticlinal fold. It has the ore controlling value. Fold has inherited the element of western edge of a large buried paleovolcano. At the core of the fold is a fragment of this volcano (the lower basalt strata), which is covered with rhyolite-basalt and overlying strata. The authors characterize leading textural varieties of ores: massive, layered breccia, complex.
The article contains the proof that zonal structure of the ore deposit field and features of its concentration within the main ore forming components. Obtained data indicates that that the formation of deposit occurred because of two main processes: sulphide deposits in the areas hydrothermal fluids outputs; and subsequent destruction of the mechanical movement of the ore material. Executed paleoreconstruction of the ore field has allowed identifying three ore extracting centers, over which ore hills formed. Their destruction led to appearance of the brecciated and layered breccia ore. Ores with the highest content of sulfur and copper are localized above the effluent channels of hydrothermal fluids, and enriched with zinc – in the overlying rock and on the flanks of emerging centers.
Novouchalinsk deposit is the main backup object of Uchalinsk ore mining and processing enterprise.
Keywords: Uchalinskoe ore field; Novouchalinsk deposit; volcanic strata; facies; the morphology of the ore bodies; mineral associations; paleoreconstruction structure of the ore field.
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