Issue 1(37), 2015

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


UDC 622.532 

Comparative evaluation of mine sectional dual pumps

Dolganov A. V., Popov Yu. V., Timukhin S. A., Piskaryov A. N.

At the present stage of development of mining machinery it is required the creation and development of industrial production technology, homogeneous and uniform pumping equipment meeting all the essential requirements of the mining industry. According to the authors, the best options are sectional centrifugal pumps based on the double-flow hydraulic circuits. The article proves that the ranges of flows and pressures double-flow sectional pumps, created on the base of the existing single-threaded, respectively 26–2000 m3/h and 110–650 m. Therefore, they can fully replace the less technically advanced spiral pumps (based on coverage of the fields of required dewatering regimes of mines).

Keywords: mine sectional pumps; flow; pressure; comparative evaluation; maintainability.

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