UDC 553.411.071:553.068.3 + 553.068.5 (470.5)
The scientific legacy of A. P. Sigov. Its value at the present stage in forecasting of noble-metal mineralization in the Urals
Barannikov A. G.
In an article devoted to the 110th anniversary of the birth of A. P. Sigov, it is considered a range of scientific problems, revealing the creative legacy of one of the most prominent researchers of geology and geomorphology of the Urals of second half of XX century. Attention is paid to issues that relevance now under evaluation of mineragenous potential of areas for noble-metal mineralization. They are including: the problems of studying of uneven peneplains; originality of processes of placer under peneplanation relief; the problem of assessing of gold mineralization associated with postcollisional ore-metasomatic processes of argillizite formation.
Keywords: gold; mineralization; peneplain; Mesozoic; placers; activation; unconventional type.