K. S. Ivanov et al. / News of the Ural State Mining University 2 (2018) 7-14
The relevance of the study consists in the insufficient level of scrutiny of the crystalline basement of the West Siberian megabasin. The purpose of this research is to study the material composition and age of granitoids from the pre-Jurassic basement of Krasnoleninsky oil and gas region in the Ural part of the West Siberian megabasin.
Research methodology: a detailed study of mineralogy, petrochemistry, geochemistry and age (different isotope systems using K–Ar, Rb–Sr and U– Pb methods of dating) of the granites in the Krasnoleninsky area.
Results. The mineralogy and petrogeochemical of the Krasnoleninsky region granites are studied in detail. It was found that rocks are composed of quartz, plagioclase (albite and oligoclase), potassic feldspar (microcline and orthoclase) and mica (annite). The accessory mineralization in the form of rutile, apatite, magnetite, titanite, monazite, zircon and cassiterite is added. Granites are subject to propylitization, which is expressed in the development of secondary carbonate, chlorite, sericite and albite. The sulfide (chalcopyrite, galena) and native (gold, silver) mineralization is also added to it. On petrogeochemical characteristics of rocks belong to granitoids of S-type, the source of substance for them was mainly sedimentary rocks. Granites are of early Permian age, which, apparently, reflects the process of raising granites to the level of the upper crust during riftogenesis and stretching of the entire region.
Summary. The granites of the Kamennaya petroleum exploration area are an integral part of the regional Shaimsky-Kuznetsovsky anticlinorium. Thetime of magmatic introduction and crystallization of granites of the Krasnoleninsky area is estimated at 300 million years, as well as of the granitoids of the nearby Shaimsky oil and gas area. The difference between U–Pb (297.9 ± 3.8 million years) and Rb–Sr (291.8 2.1 million years) granite ages is likely to result from the gradual cooling of the granite massif. This happened because the uranium-lead isotope system closes at a higher temperature than the rubidium-strontium one. We interpret the “Mesozoic” numerals obtained by the K–Ar method as the time of the last tectonic-thermal events, most likely expressed in the form of granites propylitization.
Keywords: mineralogy; age; granites; pre-Jurassic basement; Kamennaya area; Krasnoleninsky region; Western Siberia.
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