
Barzas deposit sapropelite coals: prospects of integrated development

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Lyudmila Vasil'evna Kuznetsova, Boris Alekseevich Anferov, Yuriy Fedorovich Patrakov

L. V. Kuznetsova, B. A. Anferov, Yu. F. Patrakov / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 62–67 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-62-67

УДК 622.33.01

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-62-67

The urgency of the problem. Sapropelite coals of the Barzas deposit of Kuzbass are good raw materials for producing liquid fuel, lubricating oils, paraffin, etc. Apart from that, they are enriched with molybdenum, niobium, rubidium, yttrium and titanium. The content of these deposits is higher than the minimal content, which determines the industrial importance of coal as a source of ore raw materials. However, until now, the field is not being developed because of the economic inexpediency and the lack of a solution to the problem of recycling of incineration and semi-coking waste, which have high ash content and a large volume. The purpose of the study: to develop the concept of integrated development of the Barzas sapropelite coal deposit on the basis of creating efficient, environmentally friendly and low-waste production.

Research methodology. The analysis of geological and mining conditions of the formation, which is called the Main, the results of its geochemical studies of existing technologies of mining and processing the high-ash solid fuels. The promising areas of their development were also considered. Cluster approach to the development of sapropelite coal deposits.

Results. Coal mining at the sites with different geological conditions can be carried out with openly-underground mobile means of mechanization. The First mine field can be developed by the underground way on the development system called “Long poles along the strike”. This can be attained by means of the comprehensive mechanization of the Second mine field. Also, “Long poles along strike, take out the strips by the
drop” are combined sections of a mechanized roof support with mobile means of cutting and transportation of coal – the Third mine field. The energy-chemical cluster of the Barzas deposit of sapropelite coals is a complex of the enterprises, which are technologically connected among them. They are concentrated on the same territory, which includes the enterprises for extraction of coal, semi-coking plant, boiler room, the
chemical enterprise for processing of ash-slag from burning of waste of pyrolysis. The enterprise for receiving ore raw materials and construction materials are also among them.

Summary. The organization of the main processes (from coal mining to commercial production) within the framework of the energy chemical cluster will create an efficient, environmentally friendly and low-waste production. The consumer value of the obtained commodity products (resin, pyrogenetic water, fuel gas, thermal energy, ore concentrate and building materials) will be much higher than the cost of raw high-ash coal.

Keywords: Kuzbass; Barzas deposit sapropelite coals; coal mining; open and underground method; underground fashion; polyoxetanes; waste management; energy and chemical cluster.


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