Issue 3 - 2023

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)



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Earth sciences

M. Ibrahim Identification the tectonic setting of granite using geochemistry and trace elements: implication for the granites in the Syrostan massive (Southern Ural)
(In English)
S. Yu. Kropantsev

Strontianite from the Korkodinskoye deposit of jewelery andradite (Middle Urals)
(In English)

M. P. Popov
M. A. Rassomakhin
L. A. Demina

Rare mineralization from quartz-plagioclase veins of the Mariinsky deposit (Ural emerald mines)
(In English)

F. Gougali
A. E. Kotel’nikov

The features of the placement of gold deposits in Algeria

A. G. Barannikov Spatial and genetic relationship of endogenous and exogenous gold content in the area of the Pervomaisko-Zverevsky ore cluster (Middle Urals) 40
I. V. Abakumov

On the issue of improving forecasting and prospecting complexes for identifying new sources of acutely scarce mineral raw materials (using the example of placer boulder chromium ores)


V. D. Kantemirov
R. S. Titov
A. M. Yakovlev

On the question of the feasibility of the integrated development of mineral resources of the Ural region 64

P. K. Fedotov
A. E. Senchenko
K. V. Fedotov
A. E. Burdonov

Technological studies of gold ore using centrifugal concentration methods


A. V. Kuzina
R. V. Klyuev
N. G. Valiev

Prediction of the state of the ice-bearing massif during the penetration of a vertical mine shaft with freezing 87
L. V. Kuz'min

High purity quartz concentrates. Application in high-tech industry, modern requirements for quality parameters


Yu. O. Rusakova
A. G. Plavnik
M. V. Vashurina
L. A. Kovyatkina

Application of the natural radioactivity method to predict the lithological composition and filtration properties of rocks
in the Oligocene aquifer

A. N. Ratushnyak
A. D. Konoplin
Low-frequency electrical prospecting with measurements of spatio-temporal invariants of the magnetic field 112


ECONOMIC sciences


A. S. Sokolov
V. V. Balashenko
A. N. Ivanov
I. A. Moor

Riskiness of development of subsoil resources
(In English)

N. V. Galkina
A. V. Kaplan
Management of innovative technological development of a coal mining enterprise based on the formation of the balance of interests and responsibilities of its entities 127
A. I. Buinitskiy
M. N. Poleshchuk
On the development of the Berezovsky mine 134



A. A. Lipaev
S. A. Ryl’kov
E. V. Kororova
The increasing of engineering education competence for example of the Ural State Mining University 143




Yu. V. Erokhin
A. G. Shorin

Anisim Efremovich Malakhov (1899–1989) and former malakhovite (now khesinite)


A. K. Kirsanov

The Development of Artisanal Gold Mining in the African Region: A Historical Overview


K. S. Ivanov
V. N. Smirnov
P. B. Shiryaev


Studies of the chromite content of ultramafic rocks. Dedication to N. V. Vakhrusheva (1959–2023)




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