
The nature of the change of acid-base properties of soils in the zone of technogenesis (on the example of the Krasnoural’skiy industrial center)

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Mikhail Viktorovich Shabanov, Maksim Sergeevich Marichev

M. V. Shabanov, M. S. Marichev / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 55–61 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-55-61

УДК 504.054

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-55-61

Intensive anthropogenic load of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises leads to significant changes in landscape complexes. There is a structural transformation of soil cover and physicochemical characteristics, which require detailed study. This determines the relevance of the work.

The purpose of the present research is to study the changes in the acidbase properties of soils under middle-taiga Subboreal humid landscapes on the example of the Krasnoural’sk industrial hub.

Methodology. The studies of the soil cover were conducted. The areas of redistribution and spreading of the acid agent with the distance from the source of emission were highlighted. The main components characterizing the environment in the 0-30-centimeter soil thickness were determined.

Results. In the course of the work completed, the three zones were identified: the impact zone, the buffer zone, and the background zone. The main sources of anthropogenic load in the researched area are the industrial discharges of the plant. Those discharges consist of both aerosol and soot particles. The parameters of their influence on natural and territorial complexes were determined by the wind patterns which were being analyzed over a long period of time. They also took into consideration the precipitation and temperature regimen of the area. As a result of the circulation of atmospheric flows, it was determined particles were being distributed over considerable distances from the flare zone. It was also determined that when precipitation interacts with the main accompanying gases of copper smelting production, acid rains are formed. This rain changes the environment of the soil composition.

Summary. In the soil, acid hydrolysis processes occur with the destruction of its mineral part. The main ions of the soil-absorbing complex undergo transformation and become involved in the geochemical cycle. The processes of accumulation and translocation affect the general physical and chemical state of the soil. New geochemical barriers to the migration of heavy metals are formed, and the general pattern of redistribution of the main components is violated. The acid-base properties are changed in the first place.

Keywords: technogenesis; Krasnoural’skiy GOK (ore-dressing and processing enterprise); industrial discharges of a plant; changing acidbase properties of soils; zones of anthropogenic load.



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