DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-4-13-17
Main problems and perspectives of metallogeny of Azerbaijan in XXI century pdf
A. J. Ismail-zade
Based on the aggregation of available material on geology of metalliferous deposits of Azerbaijan on the principles of new geodynamical concept - «plate tectonics» metallogenic specialization of compositional complexes of structural areas of various geodynamic modes was identified and perspective pathways of researches for discovery of new large metalliferous deposits were established. Identification of indicator factors in the formation processes of structural-compositional complexes of various geodynamic modes facilitates establishment of combination of complex oceanic collages, island-arc active and passive outskirts of blocks and microcontinents, that are divided by continental and oceanic rifts. Metalliferous deposits that match specific metallogenic areas that are on a step-by-step basis are shown along the structural areas of Caucasus are located in close spatial-temporal association with the magmatism. In spacial distribution of mineralization establishing of zoning that supports the complexity of polygene-polychronous genesis of deposits is quite important. Genetic heterogeneousness is conditioned by the stage based manifestation of mineralization within the limits of metallogenic areas of various levels of activation of structural areas. Island arc system of Caucasus Minor in the aspect of magmatism and ore-bearing characterizes its one more possible prospects for gold. Review and generalization of similar problems of geology-tectonic examination of fields will serve as the main predicting assessment of the region for the possible detection of new types of metalliferous deposits.
Keywords: metallogenic areas; geodynamics; metalliferous deposits; mineral associations; predictive recommendations.
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