T. A. Lebedeva / News of the Ural State Mining University. 2021. Issue 1(61), pp. 134-141
Relevance of the study. Currently, information obtained during monitoring, including monitoring of forest lands, is
of particular importance for making informed decisions on the development of natural potential. A feature of these
works today is the lack of combination of data collection procedures, their processing with models of structural
elements of forest lands, which requires a solution to the problem under consideration.
The aim is to form, according to the results of system monitoring, a system of interconnected decision-making
algorithms in the field of forest land use in industrial regions. The methodology for the formation of a system of
interrelated decision-making algorithms in the field of forest land use in industrial regions is based on the use of
mathematical models of natural objects of forest ecosystems, natural phenomena in them and forest-forming
processes, on the procedures of a comprehensive assessment and optimization of forest land use in industrial regions
in accordance with current provisions of the concept of environmentally sustainable development of territories.
Results and their application. The algorithms for decision-making in the use of forest lands based on the results of
system monitoring are considered: substantiation of strategic indicators of sustainable development of forest lands in
industrial regions in the face of modern challenges and risks; comprehensive ecological and economic assessment of
the natural resource potential of forest lands; determination of leeways of permissible use of forest lands in industrial
regions in specific climatic and socio-economic conditions; coordination of individual interests of land users on
forest lands with public preferences for the development of industrial regions; multi-criteria optimization of the use
of forest lands in industrial regions. The main principles of forecasting the parameters of a comprehensive assessment
of forest lands, the use of the indicator of consumption of net primary products of forest ecosystems, the sequence
of greening the economy of the use of forest lands in industrial regions, justification of concessions to the extreme
values of particular criteria in multi-criteria optimization are given. The proposed additional indicators of sustainable
development of forest areas in the Middle Urals, the results of calculations on the change in the natural resource
potential of forest lands in the subsoil use area are presented; the substantiation of the multicriteria optimization of
the use of raw material resources of forest lands is given.
Conclusions. The proposed decision-making algorithms in the field of systemic monitoring of forest lands are
intellectual support for users in the analysis of information in the field of land relations. They provide a substantive
dialogue that allows you to form the necessary information in a user-friendly form, adjust the data processing process
and make decisions.
Keywords: system monitoring, forested landscapes, decision-making algorithms, strategic indicators, integrated assessment, leeways of land use, conflicts of interest, multi-criteria optimization.
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