Issue 4(44), 2016

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-4-9-12

Actualization of serial legends as a tool to increase common geological and search efficiency Gosgeolmap-200/2 pdf

V. A. Dushin

Information on the important of updating the serial legends during creation of modern Gosgeolmap- 200/2 is given in the article. Based on the experience of carrying out medium scale geological-surveying works on specific examples (ASE-200 sheets P-40-XII, P-40-VI) a necessity of carrying out this procedure that influences geological-metallogenic and search aspects of geologist-surveyors activity is shown. Thus, updating of serial legend of North-Uralsk series of sheets, based on our opinion should be based on the results of up-to-date works, especially in the part of specifying the location in the cut-section of Pre-Cambrian volcanogenic and intrusive rocks, that are indicators of geodynamical environments. An important element in this regard are both presence of volcanics (up to 10 %) in the cutsection of Khobeinskaya formation as well as breakdown of polyformation salnero-manhambovskiy granite-leuco granite complex of Vendian Cambrian on mid-late Riphean Manhambovskiy granite complex and Vendian- mid cambrian Salenrian granite-leiko granite complex. Geological and isotopic-geochronological proofs of
similar differentiation are carried out. No less important matter that was raised in the article is the metallogenic aspect that directs researchers to search a complex uran-thorium – rare metal mineralization due to the unconformability in framing granitoids of Manhambovskiy massif and especially the uranium mineralization of hypogene-hypergene unconventional type in its endocontact. The presented information is an example of improving the serial legend as a tool to receive new geological information that directly influences the increase of common geological and prospecting efficiency when making Gosgeolmap-200/2 of new generation, that is directing geologists on uncovering new oftentimes unknown mineralization types in the region. New ideas that are implemented in actualized serial legends allow to considerably increase the common geological and prospecting efficiency of regional works.

Keywords: legend; regional works; prospecting efficiency; granites; complexes; isotopy.



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