
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2017-4-95-99

Opportunities for development of non-traditional hydrocarbon resources in the Timan-North Ural region, taking into account ecosystem services PDF

I. G. Burtseva, I. N. Burtsev, T. V. Tikhonova

Burtseva I. G., Burtsev I. N., Tikhonova T. V. / News of the Ural State Mining University 4 (2017) 95-99 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-4-95-99

The authors formulate the definition of non-traditional resources from geological-genetic, technological and economic viewpoints. The authors present a detailed assessment of the resource potential of non-traditional hydrocarbon raw material in the Timan-Severouralsk region, including hydrocarbons in the deposits of the domanic type, methane of coal seams, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons potentially extracted from black, brown coal and combustible shales. The authors also show the main directions of industrial use of coal and oil shales. The assessment of the resource potential of hydrocarbon raw materials in the deposits of the domanic type varies widely; the recoverable resources may amount to about 1 billion tons. Bituminous coals with a high volatile yield have the highest degree of conversion to liquid hydrocarbons, and brown and black coals of with a low degree of metamorphism usually serve for the production of combustible gas and primary resin. The paper describes the option of developing oil shale deposits as a possible investment project. The determined components and overall values of the economic effect from the implementation of the projects under consideration allow us to estimate that the payback period of investments does not exceed seven years. There is also a social effect: the creation of an additional 550 jobs in the operation of the quarry and about 700 jobs – in the enrichment and processing of oil shales. The estimated annual volume of output is 25–30 billion rubles, and the volume of tax revenues – up to 100 billion rubles. The authors evaluated ecosystem services in the territories of potential industrial development of coal and oil shale deposits; identified the beneficiaries of the benefits from the use of environmental services and the possibility of calculating payments.

Keywords: Timan-Severouralsk region; resources; hydrocarbon raw materials; non-traditional sources; brown coals; oil shales; economic evaluation; ecosystem services.



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