Issue 4(48), 2017


Ecological and economic system of a mining enterprise: structure, interrelations PDF

V. E. Strovskiy, O. V. Kosolapov

Strovskiy V. E., Kosolapov O. V. / News of the Ural State Mining University 4 (2017) 118-122 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-4-118-122

The authors consider the specifics of the functioning of ecological and economic system (EES) of a mining enterprise. The author clarify the concept of EES by analyzing a number of definitions; provide a structural diagram reflecting the flows of mineral raw materials and waste. The article reveals the components of depletion of the mineral-raw material potential and the assimilation potential within the boundaries of the mining complex. The authors substantiate the directions of intensification of development of mineral resources, slowing the depletion of mineral and raw materials potential, as well as the directions ensuring the preservation of assimilation potential. The structure of EES allows us to determine the residual value of the assimilation and mineral-raw potential. One should note the importance of institutional support, contributing to the realization of the set goal for subsoil use. The authors reveal the essence of interconnections taking place within the framework of EES: ecological-economic, economic-ecological, ecological-social, social-ecological, social-economic and economic-social, which corresponds to the presence of direct and inverse interrelations between the main blocks (subsystems) of EES. The availability of information on existing interrelations makes it possible to make the most informed decisions regarding the exploitation of mineral deposits, aimed at resource saving and reducing of the anthropogenic impact on the environment, i.e., preserving the assimilation potential of the territory under consideration.

Keywords: mining enterprise; ecological and economic system; structure; interrelations; exhaustion; preserving.



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