Issue 4(48), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)



Distribution of the ore elements in ore bodies of the Zapolyarnoe field (Kola Peninsula) PDF

D. V. Taymasov

The author conducted studies of the chemical zonality of ore deposits of all types for the sulfide-copper-nickel deposit Zapolyarnoe. Within the deposit of sulfide-copper-nickel ores Zapolyarnoe are the following industrial types of ores: rich interspersed ores, which are interspersed mineralization in peridotites; brecciated ores formed by detrital material; poor interspersed ores characterized by vein-interspersed mineralization; solid ores in a form of massive sulphide emissions. This work is based on operational and detailed exploration data. The author sorted samples according to the types of ores. Using the results, the author derived regression lines and their formulas to rectilinear dependencies. Analysis of the graphs showed that for all types of ores the dependences of copper and cobalt content on nickel content are direct, but at that, in thick-interspersed and brecciated types they are similar, and in scattered-interspersed they differ significantly. It becomes clear that correlation of copper and nickel in ore body depends on the scattered-interspersed ores, whereas the correlation of cobalt and nickel is determined mainly by thick-interspersed and brecciated ores. Dependencies between nickel, copper and cobalt in ores change when concentration of nickel in the ore changes. The graphs also show that the ratio of Ni/Cu in breccias and scattered-interspersed ores, as well as in near-ore metaperidotites, is almost constant at different nickel concentrations, on average 2:1.5 and 1, respectively. Thick- interspersed ores show the tendency towards an increase in the ratio with an increase in nickel content. The Ni/Co ratio increases with an increase of Ni concentration in all types of ores. In rich ores, growth occurs along a stepped curve, and in breccias – rectilinearly. Thus, the analysis of distribution of ore elements in ore bodies indicates a complex heterogeneous composition of sulphide mineralizations in different types of ores and their similarity in zones differing in the content of metals from the sampling data. It is obvious that the chemical zonality in brecciated and thick- interspersed ores is mainly due to a different concentration of sulphides with constant qualitative composition. The main types of zonality in the deposit are asymmetric zoning (columnar) in brecciated deposits and symmetric (concentric) in deposits of thick-interspersed ores. One can determine these types of zonality using the distribution of useful components of ores and mineralogical data confirms it. Based on this author concludes that the eastern branch, in which the thick-interspersed deposits lie, is the so-called supply canal (conductor) to the upper part of the deposit and to the western branch, which is similar in its morphological parameters with the central part.

Keywords: Zapolyarnoe deposit; supply channel; ore types; asymmetric zoning; symmetrical zoning; chemical zoning.



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