Issue 2(42), 2016


Improving of methodical toolkit on the calculation of the economic losses pdf

L. V. Vlasova, O. V. Kosolapov, V. V. Morilov

This study considers the problem of improving the calculation of the economic damage caused by the consequences of the development of the natural potential of the area, at the expense of detailing of coefficient of decrease of the economic value of natural resources. The value of this ratio is influenced by two factors: the degree of environmental danger of impact object and the level of stability of landscapes in relation to human impact. According to the results of the expert survey authors have built a system of boundary refinement coefficients, and then, using the apparatus of piecewise linear interpolation, calculated polynomials for defining the intermediate values of the coefficient μ for given values of an influence level x and degree of stability y). The authors substantiate the ability to determine the extent of environmental hazard of the enterprise and the level of sustainability. They analyzed the existing methodic recommendations on the assessment of the considered parameters. One can find a list of 12 indicators to use in relation to mining companies conducting open cast mining. As part of the assessment of the stability of landscapes, study proposes the use of performance indicators, combined into four groups: atmospheric stability, stability of water resources, stability of soil and lithogenic bases, and biological stability. For each of the groups authors give indicators recommended for use in concrete conditions of the study area. Particular attention is paid to the biota, which is considered as a stabilizing factor. Availability of information on the degree of environmental exposures and landscape sustainability, perceiving this effect makes it possible to update the coefficient μ and increase the reliability of the value of economic damage.

Keywords: impact; effects; decrease; economic value; economic damage.



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