Issue 2(42), 2016


Disproportions in demographic development of mountain and lowland territories of the Republic of Dagestan pdf

P. G. Abdulmanapov

Socio-economic backwardness of mountain areas and unique culture of resident nationalities causes a particular demographic behavior of the population, which, in turn, leads to certain disproportions in the demographic development of mountain and lowland territories. The Republic of Dagestan is a region with a predominant share of the mountainous terrain in the total area, where the socio-economic, demographic cultural diversity has a clearly defined interconnection with the nature of the underlying surface and generates different types of population reproduction. Over the past decade, the growth of population in mountain areas has slowed significantly, and therefore the share of the population of lowland territories started to dominate in the region. During the comparative analysis author found that in the mountainous zone of the Republic depopulation processes encompassed far more areas than in the lowlands. All mountain and lowland areas have positive indicators of natural increase in population, but a significant migration loss prevailing in many administrative entities, eventually leads to a decrease of numbers. Most of the natural increase in the country goes to cover the migration losses, and in some mountainous regions, migration loss is one and a half times higher than the natural increase. In the lowlands, migration processes also play an important role in the reproduction of the population, but have not yet become a threat to demographic security. The causes of negative processes in the socio-demographic sphere of Dagestan are due to social infrastructure status, the situation on the labor market and income differentiation. In order to solve the social and demographic problems of the region author encourages using the concept of multifunctionality of rural lands, undertake diversification of production in agriculture, as well as creating favorable conditions for the development of different forms of small and medium businesses.

Keywords: mountain areas; natural population growth; social infrastructure; fertility; migration.



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