Issue 2(42), 2016

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)


Fluid-hydrothermal ore forming processes as a factor of engineering and geological conditions of Ural ore territories pdf

O. N. Gryaznov

Endogenous deposits of the Urals are located in rock mass that have undergone fluid-hydrothermal conversion. Author gives the definitions of next concepts: metasomatic rock, facies, and formation. The metasomatic rock is an association of metasomatic minerals that are in a regular quantitative, structural and textural relationships and causal dependence from petrogenetic processes that form them. Author suggests an assessment of the extent metasomatic transformation of rocks depending on the number of newly formed minerals. Metasomatic facies (by V. A. Zharikov) refer to a set of rocks of unified metasomatic column. Metasomatic formation is a stable association of metasomatic rocks, occurring as a result of manifestation of Petrogenetic process that is single in time and space. Each formation is characterized by a set of statistically stable signs. The proposed classification of ore metasomatic formations of the Urals includes 33 formations. Study also offers the classification of endogenous ore formations of the Urals, associated with the development of a certain type of ore metasomatic formations that control the formation of fluid-hydrothermal deposits of a particular family of ore formations. The metasomatic rocks of endogenous deposits represent a special group of rocks for engineering and geological characteristics. The presence of deposits with their engineering and geological features largely determines geotechnical conditions of massifs. In this regard, fluid-hydrothermal ore-forming processes, responsible for the formation of endogenous deposits of metallic and non-metallic minerals, act in the Urals as important factors of engineering-geological conditions of ore-bearing areas - ore fields, regions, and metallogenic zones.

Keywords: fluid; hydrothermal; ore-forming process; metasomatic rock; ore deposit; factor; geotechnical conditions.



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