
Vladimir A. Naumov

Dr, Associate Professor

Perm State University

Russia, Perm'

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Tel.: (342)-2-396-408

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5021-6182

Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=13806209200

Major research interests: geology, prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, minerageny, small valuable minerals. Lithogenesis and minerals of the Urals and the Urals. Technogenic and mineral formations, processes of their technogenesis, techno-geo- and techno-mineralogenesis of mineral deposits, waters and management problems in the formation of natural and technogenic deposits. Research of all-age alluvial complexes and valuable components contained in them: gold, platinum, diamonds, zirconium-titanium minerals and building materials (sand, gravel).

Scientific supervisor of RFBR grants aimed at studying fine and fine gold in the alluvial alluvium of Permskiy Krai and in technogenic placers.

The winner of the competitions announced by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (Federal Targeted Program "Ecology and Natural Resources") and the Perm Targeted Program "Development and use of the mineral resource base of the Perm Region for 2003-05. and for the future until 2010 ".

Head of dozens of field expeditions on the geological study of modern alluvium and terrigenous strata in many regions of Russia and abroad.

2006-2008 - Head of the International Geological Survey of the Territory of the Yukon (Canada).
Project Manager for the Federal Target Program of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (2004-2008), the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation (2013) and the Perm Territory (2005).

Main publications:

Lalomov A. V., Chefranov R. M., Naumov V. A., Naumova O. B., LeBarge W., Dilly R. A. Typomorphic features of placer gold of Vagran cluster (the Northern Urals) and search indicators for primary bedrock gold deposits (2017) Ore Geology Reviews, 85, pp. 321-335.

Osovetsky B. M., Naumova O. B., Naumov V. A. Natural processes of nanogold concentrations. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference. SGEM 2016. Vienna, 2016. Book 6, Vol. 3. P. 105-112.

Osovetskiy B. M., Naumova O. B., Kovin O. N., Naumov V. A. A comparison study of micro- and nanomorphology of fine octahedral diamonds from Urals placers and Yakutian Kimberlites, Russia (2015) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, pp. 23-28.

Копылов И. С., Наумов В. А., Наумова О. Б., Харитонов Т. В. Золото-алмазная колыбель России. Пермь: Перм. гос. нац. исслед. ун-т, 2015. 131 с.

Авадани Д., Брэйди М. П., Грегори Б. С., Ковин О. Н., Наумов В. А., Наумова О. Б., Осовецкий Б. М. и др. Изучение состава и источников происхождения россыпного золота на Кузнецком Алатау и Западном Саяне, Юго-Восточная Сибирь: результаты полевой практики летом 2014 г. // Вестник Пермского университета. Сер. Геология. №  1(26). Пермь, 2015. С. 44-59.

Naumova O. B., Naumov V. A., Osovetskiy B. M., Lunev B. S., Kovin O. N. Nanoforms of secondary gold in the tailings wastes: placers of Is River, Russia. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 2013; № 18 (3), р. 316-320. http://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr18(3)13/8.pdf

Наумов В. А., Лунев Б. С., Наумова  О. Б. Теоретические и практические основы принудительной механической дифференциации песков // Известия высших учебных заведений. Горный журнал. 2013. № 1. С. 4-10.

Naumov V. A., Osovetsky B. M. Mercuriferous Gold and Amalgams in Mesozoic–Cenozoic Rocks of the Vyatka–Kama Depression. Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2013. Vol. 48, issue 3, p. 237–253.

Наумов В. А. Минерагения и перспективы комплексного освоения золотоносного аллювия Урала и Приуралья. Пермь: Пермский гос. нац. исслед. ун-т, 2011. 162 c.

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