
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2017-4-115-117

Organizational-economic model of project-outsourcing PDF

I. V. Ershova, T. A. Mineeva, Ya. G. Bezdezhskaya

Ershova I. V., Mineeva T. A., Bezdezhskaya Ya. G. / News of the Ural State Mining University 4 (2017) 115-117 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-4-115-117

The article considers the classification of existing types of outsourcing at industrial enterprises. The authors conclude that the existing classifications do not consider the specific sphere of outsourcing - work on the creation and implementation of scientific and technical products. The recently used scientific and technical outsourcing covers only the initial stages of the life cycle. In general, such developments formally are R&D contracts. A comparative analysis of economic consequences on the example of creation and implementation of the PLM-system has shown that in the organization of works under the scheme of contractual works for the creation of R&D, the customer incurs additional implicit costs associated with the increase in period of work and corresponding adjustments. The authors propose to use an outsourcing project for the organization of such works as a way to organize design works for the creation and implementation of scientific and technical products, based on the strategic partnership of customer and outsourcer. The article considers an example of the organizational and economic scheme for creating and implementing the PLM system at one of the engineering enterprises in Ekaterinburg using local contracts - and provides the results of estimated cost and time expenditures of the project-outsourcing scheme. The authors formulated differences between the organization of works under R&D contracts and project outsourcing, caused due to the nature of the relationship between outsourcer and customer: the strategic nature of the relationship, which implies the collaborative development of the concept of a long-term project: and the transfer of risks and additional payment for risks to the outsourcer, calculated on the basis of possible unproductive expenses for own personnel, loss of profits and changes in exchange rates. Prior to making a decision on outsourcing, preliminary work is necessary to make an informed choice.

Keywords: project outsourcing; contracts; R&D; implicit costs; strategic partnership.



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