
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2017-4-57-61

The problem of the involvement of the off-balance reserves of the metallic ores into the production process PDF

V. I. Golik, Yu. I. Razorenov, N. P. Kosarev

The underground mining of the ore deposits by means of the intensive methods of the traditional technologies is characterized by the loss of the reserves, which are off-balance for the technologies applied. The experience, which was accumulated by the state-of-the-art enterprises before the economic reforms and the crisis indicates, that it is possible to decrease the loss of metals. This can be assumed by means of involving the off-balance reserves into the production process with the metal lixiviation during closed work. The purpose of the present-day research is the substantiation of the technical possibility and economic reasonability of the lixiviation of metals from the off-balance reserves and poorly balance ores. The correct estimation of the perspectives of those combined technology is still one of the purposes. It is a matter of fact that combining traditional technologies of the underground mining with new ones concerned with the creation of the effective lixiviation of metals from ores can be carried out with the two-stage processing. It happens when the excavation of some amount of the balance reserves creates the compensational space for crushing off-balance reserves. Involving off-balance ores into the production process solves a set of the mining production problems. For example, the fullness of mineral resources usage, the strengthening of the resource base, the reduction of load of the environment and the security of works. The involvement of the off-balance reserves into the development in the course of the revaluation of the resources and in the technological facilities of the development in the context of the growth of the scale of production reduces the production price to the competitive level. The field of application of these results is in the mining enterprises which extract solid metal-containing ores by means of the underground mining. These ores are mostly of the nonferrous, rare and precious metals, which are easily opened by chemical reagents. Combining the technologies of the development for the arrangement of conditions for the lixiviation of metals from the off-balance ores considerably increases the mineral resources of the mining enterprises. It is also a reserve for the survival of the mining enterprises under the conditions of the continuing crisis. Conversion in the lixiviation technology is especially topical for the old mines of the Urals, which have a great reserve of the off-grade raw material.

Keywords: deposit; metals; off-balance reserves; lixiviation; underground mining.



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