
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-2-92-95                                                                                     Publication Date 11.07.2017

Assessment of the influence factors that form the economic damage pdf

O. V. Kosolapov, L. V. Vlasova

The authors substantiate the relevance of studies on the assessment of the environmental hazard of facilities that have anthropogenic impact on the environment, including mining enterprises, negatively affecting all its constituent elements. The factors of influence along with the factors of perception and state determine the amount of economic damage, so there is a need to predict the level of environmental hazard. The authors propose a method for rapid assessment of environmental hazards, involving the theory of fuzzy sets, taking into account that in addition to the estimated factors that determine the nature of the environmental hazard of the facility, a much larger number of unaccountable factors influence its formation. The article contains a list of fundamental principles and an algorithm for implementing the proposed guidelines. According to the algorithm, one should successively perform the following operations: the choice of factors causing the environmental hazard of the facility, the substantiation of the classifier of the levels of evaluated factors, the recognition of factor levels based on the binary number system, determining the importance of factors, determining the weight of the identified subsets of factors, calculation of the integral indicator characterizing ecological hazard, construction of an environmental hazard classifier, according to which the obtained integral indicator corresponds to a certain level of environmental hazard. For example, according to the proposed step-by-step methodological recommendations, the authors determine the level of environmental hazard of JSC "Southern Mining Processing plant". The performed calculations make it possible to estimate it as average.

Keywords: ecological hazard; factors; classifier; recognition.



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