
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-2-43-46                                                                                     Publication Date 11.07.2017

Regularities of the tectonic stress field in the geological environment of the Krasnoturinsky ore district pdf

S. N. Tagil'tsev, T. N. Kibanova

For many years, the deposits of a number of minerals were developed and explored on the territory of the Krasnoturinsky ore district. The Severo-Peschansky iron ore deposit is located 4 km north of the Vorontsovsky gold deposit. All the objects on which the authors conducted the study of the orientation of cracks are at the top part of the geological section. Analysis of the elements of occurrence of fracture systems makes it possible to determine the orientation of the main maximum stresses in this part of the geological section. The authors carried out a large number of measurements of the stress-strain state (SSS) of rock massifs in the mines of the North-Peschansky deposit. These data allows analyzing the relationship between the values of the main stresses, the orientation of the axes of the main stresses, and the position of the measurement points in depth. Analysis of data on ore deposits suggests that the complex use of geological-structural and geomechanical methods for studying the stress-strain state of rock massifs allows reliable determining of the regularities of the SSS. The main directions of the main maximum stress (MMS) have sublatitudinal orientations (260°-270° and 280°-290°). In the near-surface part of the geological section, the stress field is transformed, and one can observe different directions of the SSS in different blocks of rocks. Basic SSS during the unloading of tectonic stresses often change their orientation by 90° and acquire a submeridional orientation. The remaining directions of the effect of maximum stresses are fixed in local areas and have an auxiliary type.

Keywords: stress-strain state; rock massifs; geological-structural and geomechanical methods; main directions of maximum stress.



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