
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-4-76-79

About active magnetic bearings pdf

I. L. Schekleina, A. V. Ugol’nikov, D. S. Stozhkov

Concept of active magnetic bearing as a controllable electromagnetic device which holds the part of the machine (rotor) in set position relative to stationary part is given. Structurally the active magnetic bearing consists of two main parts: electrical mechanical part, or bearing itself and electrical control system. Options of the structure and operating principle of bearings are given. Bearing is a rotor and rotor position sensors. Rotor rotates in the magnetic field. Electrical magnets create the magnetic field, they are fixed on the stator. There is no mechanical contact between rotor and stator. There are two structural options of radial bearings: with traversal and lateral direction of magnetic flow relative to the rotor axis. Bearings with transversal flow direction are easier to manufacture and have lesser longitudinal dimensions. Control system is simpler during eight pole structure of the stator. In case of big bearings it is viable to use large number of poles. Routes of providing optimal technical characteristics are given: maximum frequency of rotor spinning, friction losses, power consumption, functional reliability. Maximum frequency of rotor spinning depends only on the quality of structural materials. Stiffness of bearing depends on the parameters of control system and disturbing frequency.
Positional accuracy of the rotor axis is determined by the quality of the signal of position sensor and the support stiffness. Friction losses in the bearing are caused by the losses on vortex currents and hysteresis in rotor packs. Energy consumption of the bearing is justified by the loses in electromagnets and power amplifiers.
Operation reliability of the bearing is determined by the reliability of the electronic circuit and power supply system. Industry where active magnet bearings are used are reflected: in space systems, gas industry, in energetics, medicine, pharmaceutical and food industry, in power oscillators, in precision measuring instruments, gyroscopes, robots.

Keywords: active magnet bearing; rotor; magnet field; electrical magnets; system; control; rotation frequency; load capacity; dimensions; mass; stiffness; precision; position control; losses; friction; power consumption; reliability; pumps; mixers; turbines; industry.



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