
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-4-57-59

Determining of position data based on single aerial view and bitmap model of relief pdf

N. F. Dobrynin, T. M. Pimshina

One of the options of combined photogrammetric plotting of single shot and digital model of the aerial view object (DMBO) for solving spatial tasks was examined. Tasks of this type occur (or might occur) during updating of topographical maps, solving engineering and science-application tasks. The latter ones are monitoring of environment, studying of modern active volcanism, reconstruction based on shots of geological processes and list of other tasks. Principle of detecting spatial coordinates of the point based on single shot is quite simple: all you have to do is make equations of the projecting ray and surface close to its meeting with digital microprocessor-based oscilloscope. However realization of this principle becomes complicated by the fact that in order to determine the plane coordinates of meeting point you have to know its height above a specific horizontal plane (or level of Baltic Sea), in order to find the elevation of this point, it is impossible to do it without plane coordinates. Furthermore there is a certain difficulty of searching the DMBO area where the meeting point of projected ray is projected. Resolution of these conflicts is proposed by focused organization of DMBO that is named bit-mapped. The concept of spatial matrix that has three indexes was introduced. With its help it became possible to rigidly connect the coordinates and height points of DMBO with their position on the location and to the memory of computer. This allowed calculating the spatial coordinates of a plotted point by a method of stepwise approximation. Having given the height Z0, invariably higher than any DMBO point, plane coordinates of point in question are determined. After that the numbers of spatial matrix indexes are calculated, and then based on them the area of DMBO where this point is projected based on the coordinates. Now instead of Z0 Z is designated as an arithmetic mean out of a few heights of points that are located close to the one that is identified. And so it goes like this after the indexes of spatial matrix within the neighboring iterations. After that the task on identification of final
coordinates of projecting ray contact with DMBO.

Keywords: single shot; digital model of the object (DMBO); equations of a plane and projecting ray; spatial matrix of DMBO.



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