
Oval deformation of the structure of the ore region of Nampaten (Laos)

B. Souvannoudom, V. B. Boltyrov, Е. A. Slobodchikov


DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2018-2-41-48

B. Souvannoudom et al. / News of the Ural State Mining University 2 (2018) 41-48


Relevance of the work: the revealed regularities of spatial connection of ore deposits in South-East Asia with oval forms of relief allow simplifying the technique of prospecting works and reducing the cost of their conduct. The purpose of the work was the theoretical justification of the spatial context of industrial endogenous tin mineralization with oval forms of the relief. This context was identified as a result of search operations carried out under the leadership of B. Souvannoudom according to his original technique.
Research methodology. The natural connections of ore objects with oval forms of a relief revealed during prospecting works are proved by their combination with features of a geological structure of a rock substrate. These connections are theoretically explained with the help of the ideas about the deformation processes which are in progress in a tectonosphere of the Earth.
Research results. As a result of the research conducted, the conclusion was made about the primary tectonic nature of the oval structures. They appear as a result of the spatial superposition of multi-age and multi-oriented deformation structures. Such structures include cleavage zones and confusion zones. They are manifested in the rock complexes in a discrete and multi-scale way in accordance with the universal principle of the separability of geomaterials. In accordance with this principle, the rock complexes of the entire territory under consideration were initially divided into tectonic blocks. The size of these blocks varies from hundreds of kilometers to hundreds of meters in diameter, spatially subordinated to hierarchical dependence. Each of the blocks of all scale ranks consists of 9 blocks of the nearest smaller rank. Climbing-shear bias at later confusion zones in terms of the transpressive compression caused the formation of the fledging gaps. They occurred in the wings of confusion zones and in the wings of the earlier zones of cleavage. This, along with the extrusion of the tectonic blocks, led to their rounding and the formation of technoblogs of different sizes of antiform and synform appearance. Inside the technoblogs of the S-shaped overlapping discontinuous structures that control magma genesis and ore genesis. In this regard, the ore-controlling structures of the same rank coincide with many oval structures of each scale rank spatially. One of the large oval structures is an oval-megachilinae (ore area) of Nampaten. Its diameter is about 30 km within a developed oval structure of three major grades, of which the smallest are oval structures with a size of about 1 km, covering tin deposits. Modern fluvial processes, due to the different degree of destruction of rocks in the center technoblog and their limitations, formed oval shaped positive and negative landforms of different scales.
Summary. The spatial relationship of endogenous ore objects with the oval forms of modern relief is due to the imposition of modern fluvial relief on previously formed oval deformation structures, accompanied by endogenous mineralization.

Keywords: zones of sending; zones of crushing of the climbing-shear nature; hierarchical divisibility of geomaterials; oval and sigmoidal deformation structures; sintectonic magmatism and ore genesis.



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