

O. V. Kosolapov, A. V. Dushin


DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2018-2-148-152

O. V. Kosolapov, A. V. Dushin / News of the Ural State Mining University 2 (2018) 148-152


The relevance of the study. One of the main conditions for environmentally sustainable subsoil use is to minimize the depletion of mineral resources. It involves the most efficient and complete development of reserves of exploited mineral deposits. At the same time, the loss and dilution rates in mining remain high. On average, in the mining industry, the amount of losses is determined in 10–50 %. Positive changes in solving this problem are very small due to the lack of the effective guidelines aimed at the completeness of the study of subsoil resources. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological tools to ensure the full use of non – renewable resources.
The results obtained in the course of research are as follows: the tendency of systematic overstatement of reserves is revealed. This requires clarification of the coefficients of transfer of reserves to higher categories. The necessity for increasing the reliability of geological information both in geological study of subsoil and in operational exploration is proved. The expediency of the advanced geological study of mineral resources in the process of field development is substantiated. The method of its efficiency evaluation is specified. This method considers the effect due to the increase in the completeness of the use of mineral resources. The effect formed by increasing the level of the mining operations safety and the effect of increasing the level of investment attractiveness of the object of subsoil use are also considered.
Applying the results. The developed methodological tools aimed at minimizing the depletion of non-renewable natural resources, contains proposals for detailing the amount of mineral resources and improving the reliability of geological information. These tools will allow subsoil users to achieve an increase in the completeness of subsoil use, providing an ecological and economic effect.

Keywords: non-renewable resources; completeness; depletion; losses; reliability; geological information; efficiency.



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