
Mathematical model and calculation results of the temperature of the wall forming the combustion chamber of the diesel engine mining machine

E. V. Ryabko


DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2018-2-107-113

E. V. Ryabko / News of the Ural State Mining University 2 (2018) 107-113

Urgency of the work. The surface of the cylinder cover of the diesel mining machine experiences influences variable in time of exposure. These influences come from the temperature of the working gases in the combustion chamber. This change in the temperature of the working gases in time causes temperature gradients in time in the cylinder cover. This results in mechanical stresses. A promising line of research is studying the parameters and processes occurring in the details of the power diesel engine. These processes affect the smooth operation of the mining transport machines being used.
The purpose of the work is to develop a method of calculating the temperature fields of the wall forming the combustion chamber of the diesel mining transport machine.
Research methodology is based on the application of numerical methods for solving the problems of non-stationary thermal conductivity. The results of the work and the field of their application. The study of temperature fields in the details of the power diesel engine will improve the operating conditions of mining vehicles. To carry out the research, a mathematical model of the temperature change process in the layers of the bottom of the cylinder cover of the diesel mining machine has been developed. It considers the average heat transfer coefficient during the cycle and the temperature gradient varying in time. Using a mathematical model, the temperature change in the layers of the cylinder cover is determined. The method considered can be used to assess the heat-stressed state of the diesel engine parts of mining transport machines. The field of application of the mathematical model is not limited to the cylinder covers, with the required amount of initial data. It is possible to solve complex problems of thermal conductivity in the power diesel engine of mining transport machines. The experimental studies confirm the adequacy of the mathematical model of the temperature change process in the bottom of the cylinder cover of the diesel engine of mining transport machines.

Keywords: mining transport machine; power diesel installation; cylinder-piston group; cylinder head; temperature field; heat transfer; mathematical model.



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