
The transformation of land resources and the support of the balanced land use

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Valiriy Vasil'evich Balashenko, Vladimir Grigor'evich Loginov

V. V. Balashenko, V. G. Loginov / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 117–122 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-117-122

УДК 338.2:502

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-117-122

The relevance of the study. The degradation, which is a depletion of natural resources, including land resources, actualizes the problem of forecasting the consequences of human activities and assessing the possible economic damage.

The purpose of the study is to identify the main processes and phenomena that adversely affect land resources. The substantiation of the procedure for assessing the economic damage in management decisions in terms of balanced land use is another part of the purpose of the present research.

Results. This article clarifies the concept of “land” and gives proof of the need for land monitoring. The latter is a system of observations of the state of the supply of land for the timely detection of changes. Their assessment, prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative impacts are also of great significance. The main factors of transformation of lands, their importance for different zones of the country, and the formation of consequences are revealed in the present study. The cost estimate of consequences requires an economic assessment of land resources. From these positions, the methodological approaches used are considered and the feasibility of using the income method is justified. The evolution of the methodological tools for assessing economic damage, and its transformation in modern conditions are analyzed in detail. Based on the assessment of land degradation under the influence of the anthropogenic factor in the mining industry, the indicators of economic damage are associated with the activities of ferrous, non-ferrous metallurgy and mining enterprises are projected. In order to ensure balance, the issue of land reclamation with identification of the reasons for non-fulfillment of reclamation works is raised.

Application of the results. Methodological provisions recommended by the authors can be used in the process of state regulation of land use in order to ensure the conditions of its balance.

Keywords: land use; state regulation; consequences; harm; damage; transformation; assessment; balance. This article was prepared in accordance with the state task of FANO (Russia) for the Institute of Economics, Ural branch of RAS for the year 2018.



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