
Economic and theoretical aspects of planning effective activity of enterprises in the coal industries

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Zhaken Kakitaevich Galiev, Nadezhda Valentinovna Galieva, Irina Vladimirovna Drozdova

Zh. K. Galiev, N. V. Galieva, I. V. Drozdova / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 101–105 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-101-105

УДК 622.33:338.93

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-101-105

Relevance and purpose of the study. Under modern conditions, the share of loss-making enterprises of the coal industry is still high. This brings the solution of the problem of improving the efficiency of their activities up to date. It also determines the purpose of this research.

Research methods: scientific generalization, system and factor analysis, and statistical modeling are used in the present work.

Results. The article discusses the economic and theoretical aspects of planning the effective activities in the coal industry. The paper analyzes the elasticity of the unit cost price in terms of its labor productivity. It also deals with the elasticity of the volume of output in terms of labor productivity. This indicates that the existing coal mining technologies have, to some extent, exhausted their advantages in the coal industry. They require a change on the achieved level of the capital-labor ratio. It is recommended to strive to ensure advanced ratio of growth of labor productivity of workers compared to the growth rate of unit costs. This should be done at the introduction of a new technology at the enterprises of the coal industry. The advanced ratio of growth in output compared to the growth rate of labor productivity of workers should also be guaranteed. The early growth rate of revenue from sales compared to the growth rate in total costs of production should be provided. The advanced ratio of profit growth compared to the growth rate of revenue from sales has to be provided as well. It is proven that for coal industry enterprises the type of competitive advantages called “the lowest costs” can be the only acceptable one in comparison with other types. We have considered the requirements to the new developed technologies for coal mining. They are as follows: the value of marginal profit in the planned period should be more than the fixed costs of the enterprise; the value of marginal profit in the planned period should be more than the marginal profit of the reporting period; the interests of manufacturers (machine-building enterprises) as well as those of consumers (coal mining enterprises) should be taken into account on the basis of ensuring equal net present value of income when using new equipment (technology) of different types. The article presents the calculation formulas which allow forming an option of the effective activity of the coal mining enterprise. They can be used in the planning process.

Summary. This research made it possible to improve the efficiency of enterprises which develop coal deposits through the use of the proposed methodological tools and implementation of requirements in their planning.

Keywords: coal industry; enterprise; elasticity; unit cost; labor productivity; new technology; demand; competitive advantages.



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